Friday, March 12, 2021

Functional dyspepsia

My H. pylori and biopsy test results are negative. Since there is nothing proven wrong, the diagnosis is functional dyspepsia. Stress is usually the reason which is peculiar since I am not feeling consciously stressed at the moment. At least, not in an obvious stressful condition like with my previous job. Oh well maybe the problem with bitches and my drowning in sorrow over my homelessness are causing me stress subconsciously. I should be grateful that everything is negative but instead a part of me is disappointed that I do not get 'You have 6 more months to live' or something. Then I could just resign from my job, fly home and enjoy the remaining 6 months at home.

I went to the Embassy today to get a letter to prove that I am now domiciled in Singapore. One of the banks in Indonesia is making it difficult for my mum to settle my dad's stuff with the bank. It is so fucking lame that the bank wants such a letter when I already have an attorney letter stating that I give authorisation to settle things on my behalf. Hello, if it is not because of COVID, you think I will not want to go to the bank to settle also meh.

The online application shows that the next available slot is in June. I wrote in and I am glad that I was able to be given today. I thought the system is already advanced with online application but it is actually just a facade. Hahaha.. In the end, the actual appointment is still assigned by embassy staff manually. It was cloudy this morning so it was a comfortable walk from the bus stop to the embassy. Hopefully the weather is also friendly on Monday when I am collecting the letter.

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