Wednesday, May 26, 2021


I woke up with tears after a very vivid dream of talking to my grandma who already passed away. I was the last one to arrive in an event because I made an extra detour on a car. I saw my dad alone while my mum and my sisters were at few sections behind him. When I alighted, an aunt was asking my mum and sisters if they saw my dad. They said they also were looking for him. As I saw him previously, I walked ahead of them and saw him still at where I saw him earlier. So I shouted to them that he was waiting near at a restaurant and just looked where boardsign with the word God or Goddess was. They did not hear me as they were busy chit chatting and I did not think I was that far for them not to hear my shout. I was so irritated that I had to walk a bit to be closer to them before shouting at them again. The anger and shouting were so vivid as I really felt my throat as if I overstrained my shouting. In reality, I am sure it was more of sleeping with aircon causing my dry throat.

As I was still angry with them for chitchatting so much and did not hear me at the first shout, I decided to walk ahead and even past my dad since they would approach him soon. Let me have a short me time to cool down myself first. That was when I saw my grandma eating alone. The shocker was when she said "Wow. I am happy you can recognise me". She was wearing her blue/purple that I remember she has. She looked in her younger days and that was why initially I was unsure to approach her. I asked her why she was eating there alone instead of being around the other family members and with whom she came with. She said she came together with my great grandma. That woke me up as I never met my great grandma in my life.

I checked the video made for my grandma's funeral and indeed I do not remember her blue/purple top wrongly. There is a photo of her in that top in the slideshow. It is so weird to have such a dream as I was not thinking anything about my family before I slept last night. Still I could not help to be sad and cry. Even in dream, I have to be lonely and away from my family. Perhaps the only consolation is that this maybe a sign that I will join my grandma soon.

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