Monday, February 8, 2021


They say go to private sector if you want higher pay. BULLSHIT! I received the lowest salary increment ever in my work history. My bonus is even almost 10% lower than previous year. I know I should be grateful since there are people who lose their job, get a pay cut, receive no bonus/increment because of COVID. However, my irritation comes from the expectations since from around September last year, CEO has been saying that the company is able to maintain its revenue despite COVID bla bla bla.

In addition, my grade for year end appraisal was S but in the letter, it states that my performance was only B. I did not bother to bring it up as the answer would be moderation with other teams bla bla bla. If that is so then what is the point of S grade at the year end appraisal? Everything just does not tally and fucked up. I don't even care about higher management is forgoing some of their bonus to top up for the rest of the staff. That means without their sacrifice, the actual increment and bonus would be even more pathetic.

Although I am disappointed, it was rather short lived. A part of me feels liberated too. Knowing how pathetic the pay progression here, I have nothing to tie me down. Previously I had hesitation because I was still pining on the hope that pay progression is higher in private sector bla bla bla.

Looking back at the past year, I am glad that indeed money is not my top priority. Despite the pathetic increment and bonus, I still did not regret leaving my previous job. Haha... The work life balance from working from home is priceless.

With that, my plan moving forward is to start looking at alternative job. I will also not bother to put in so much effort in my current job since there is not much reward. Just do the bare minimum or even less since anything will also be B.

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