Saturday, November 28, 2020

Advent is coming

I have been wasting my time and my life for Genshin Impact. Previously I complained because the game kept crashing on my iPad. After the game update a few weeks ago, it becomes more stable and I am able to play. I know it is a waste of time if I am spending too much on a game but it is difficult not to get hooked initially when the game still feels fresh and exciting.

I finally went to attend Mass at church last weekend. Since I am already going out for work and for gym, there is no reason of being worried of COVID anymore. Anyway my main reason for finally going is that the church is gradually allowing more people to attend which means we are back in the main church and not at the chapel anymore. It is still 1 weekend mass per month so I chose last Sunday to coincide with the Feast of Christ the King which marks the closure of a liturgical year.

I woke up at 530am and reached the church at around 650am. It was still kinda rushed with the social distancing at the entry. I felt kinda irritated with people who did not know how to queue properly. Seriously what was the rush with seats guaranteed and assigned anyway. I think all the available slots were taken which was a good thing. I have signed up for December and the good thing about me liking 7am slot is that it is the least popular slot. 9am and 11am are mostly full while the 5pm only has few seats left. 7am still has 50 over slots hehe... Unfortunately, all the slots for penitential service are already fully booked when I checked last night.

The Devil does not like me to good works and I have been feeling very shitty this past week. I was asked to write a 400-word article for Landings and last weekend was ruined because of that. I woke up at 630am on Saturday with the intention of completing the writing. I had writer's block and after 12 hours, I was only halfway through. Sigh.. Ironically, it is always easy to just type long rubbish blog post like this. Haha.. I continued on Sunday and 'die die' I wanted to finish it as I did not want to prolong my misery.

I am supposed to attach a picture that depicts my faith and the problem is I don't take photos at places of worship. Even all my travelling photos are usually taken outside a church building and not inside. To capture the majesty of the building, usually I am small in the photo which is not suitable for this current purpose. I decided with a photo with a statue of Jesus outside Rue du Bac. That is the most acceptable although I still think it is quite lousy. The one with both me and Jesus' face facing the camera is shadowy as we were there at late afternoon. So no choice but to choose the one to 'avoid' the shadow and Jesus' face is not facing the camera :( All this shit always happened just like previously when preparing for faith story.

At work, I am feeling more and more irritated with few bitches. I have decided that I will say something for the upcoming year end appraisal. Hehe.. Previously I did not say anything in mid year but things do not improve. The evil part of me is actually saying: Hey bitch, you want to play gutter politics, I am going to show you how to really play dirty. No point saying during mid year since it will not change anything but when I fire my salvo for year end, there is higher chance that this will affect your bonus.

Yesterday this crazy bitch went bonkers after I asked one innocent question in the group chat. She kept on and on and then my boss sort of  'defended' me even though I did not say anything further and I also did not message my boss privately. Hehe... Seriously I don't know what happen with this bitch as last year she was not like this. I suspect she may be jealous of me because of my promotion this year as that is the only thing that changed as compared to last year. Anyway it is going to be easy to 'tear her down' as when usually she goes bonkers, she makes herself looks stupid and unprofessional on her own. When something is already 'bad', it is quite easy to make it 'terrible'.

By the way, this is a different bitch from the one I wrote previously. I also received good update for this bitch yesterday. Higher management has decided that the issue is indeed for the bitch's team to handle, not mine. See la, want to taichi, taichi to wrong person, now still end up as yours. Aaah.. revenge is sweeter when it is done by karma and I am not even involved in anything that befalls on these two bitches.

I failed my diet plan for November completely. Tomorrow is the start of Advent and this time for real, I am going to stick through with no junk food, no potato chips, no fast food, no bubble tea, and less food delivery. To ensure this plan does not fall through, I forced myself to finish whatever I have at home this week until I am having sore throat. Phew... Anyway the only thing I am not able to stop is the bottled sweet drinks after lunch. Everytime I skip, I always feel very weak and hungry at around 5pm and it will make me skip gym or ordering delivery for dinner. So it is more reasonable to spend the calories for a bottle of drink than ending up overeating and not exercising.

Now I am also starting to pray the Chaplet of St Michael (which is also called as the Rosary of the Angels). I try to do it daily but I have failed in the past 2 days because I was too tired of gaming. Jeez. Personally, my priority is still my daily rosary so it is going to be sometime before I can pray both diligently everyday. I feel the prayer in Chaplet of St Michael is petitionary which complements my daily Rosary which is more like a contemplation. Honestly I am more and more distracted with my own personal prayer.  Gone is my Consciousness Examen that I promised early last year.
Just to keep in memory the awkwardness from the very first experience of praying the Chaplet: I thought the Chaplet beads are the same as the Rosary beads meaning there is no 'correct' side to start the circle. I was wrong haha.. The Rosary is symmetrical with 10 small beads and 1 large bead from whichever side. There is no 'first' large bead as the first Our Father is using the center bead. The Chaplet of St Michael that I have, however, starts with 1 large bead (after the center bead) + 3 small beads. Thus the other side ends with 3 small beads. Thus the chaplet is no symmetrical. I started from the wrong side during my first try and I was finding the order kinda awkward. Lol.

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