Sunday, November 14, 2021

Games and Gym

I am surprised and happy that I managed to gym for the past 3 days. As the body is getting older, recently it is getting more difficult to even go on consecutive days, especially when pull ups are involved. There were pull ups on Friday so to be able to exercise again on Saturday morning after less than 24 hours means there is improvement with my body. Thank goodness there we no pull ups yesterday and today. I also tried sit throughs (which is the progression of mountain climbers) this week. I used to avoid this movement but it is actually not that bad for the shoulders compared to mountain climbers. There was no pull ups today so I tried the hanging leg raise. It is supposed to be a core exercise but my shoulders and arms were more tired from the hanging. At least I know that when the sessions have many shoulder movement, I will skip the hanging leg raise. Now I hope I can get back to my previous fitness level for the push ups and the deadlift.

With me starting to go gym again, it is getting more difficult to find time to play my online games. Currently these are the games I am still playing.

1. Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
I have been playing for around 3.5 years. With more than 100 characters, this is a good example of terrible power-creeping in a game. Still, the Disney magic keeps many of us playing for so long. I used to purchase their daily diamond deals but I stopped for more than a year ago as the power-creeping worsened. When my previous guild disbanded and I moved a relatively relaxed guild (although still a top 5 guild in my server), I only did the bare minimum. As a result, I had a lot of underdeveloped heroes and I hoarded a lot of resources.

I started to be more enthu with the game around 2 months ago when a friend from my old guild asked me to join his guild again. Now I am in the top guild of the server although I am the bottom 10 in the guild. Lol. I realised how much I hoarded and after using those resources, at least I can get quite competitive again. Plus I prefer to focus on characters from Disney Classics or cute ones and recently Pocahontas, Esmeralda, Zeus, Bolt and Ariel were released so I raised them up.

For these Halloween, the game added the 3 Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. I have never heard of this franchise before and initially I thought the cartoons in the game are so ugly. After checking some Hocus Pocus videos on Youtube, I end up liking them as the actresses portraying them were great. I will definitely try to find the full movie when I have the time.

Surprisingly, on Friday I received and decided to buy an amazing offer: $15 for 42000 stamina pots. That is a total of almost 2.8 millions stamina. Normally I can only get around 12000 stamina in a day so the offer is almost 8 months worth of stamina. Too bad I had spend them all within 24 hours or I will miss the additional 10% bonus stamina. That resulted in my biggest achievement in the game so far: currently I have the highest point in my guild for the weekly contest. Lol.. I know it sounds so childish but it is a HUGE achievement for me considering how I have been losing interest in this game for more than a year.
Too bad this greedy game developer does not incentivise players to spend more. I got such a good deal because I have stopped spending for so long. Immediately after spending, the next offer I received yesterday was $7 for 4000 pots. That is bullshit compared to the deal I bought.

2. Saint Seiya: Awakening
This game is a complete opposite of Disney Heroes. Although there is power-creeping, overall the heroes are still very well balanced since everyone has a counter. Ultimately, it is down to luck in choosing the 6 heroes for the battle since player will lose no matter how strong the heroes are if the opponent chooses 6 heroes which counter theirs.

Honestly, I find the PVP frustrating because there is no guarantee of easy win. Lol. Though I know the reason that I suck is because I only build the characters I like even if they suck and I cannot bring them for PVP. Hahaha... I also prefer offensive heroes and do not invest on defensive heroes instead of bringing a balanced team.

It is kind of sad because it is amazing that the characters and power levels are quite balanced for the game to last this long but only to slowly dying because of the poor game developers/management. Not to mention Saint Seiya is overall one of anime masterpieces! Anyway I also have long stopped spending any money in this game.

3. Genshin Impact
This game starts to lose its shine for me. Despite a lot of complaints of no content, I think the content is sufficient for busy people. Nowadays I find it difficult to even squeeze time for daily commissions and daily resins. With the ever-growing roster of characters, Mihoyo needs to buck up with the stories. People gacha because they like certain characters so without involving the characters in the game story, it will just end up becoming a collect-them-all game. Considering the expensive cost to collect the characters, people will slowly leave if this continues. But as of now, I am still hooked and will still spend money for the daily primogems and battle pass. Nope, it is not a waste of money because at least it motivates me to save from my diet and junk food. Hehe...

4. Tears of Themis
This is a card collector mixed with otome game from Mihoyo. Despite the handsome guys, I am not interested in collecting them all so my wallet is safe. Currently this is the game that I feel so relaxed to play since I am not that eager to collect all the cards, complete all the events, or hoard the Visions. Now I have around 80 visions and I do not feel the urge to gacha, partly because for this kind of game usually I am only interested with the seasonal themed cards such as for Halloween, Christmas, New Year and Summer. The last time I gachaed was during the Summer Festival and none of the Halloween cards caught my interest. I hope there will be some good Christmas cards or else I will continue saving until perhaps Chinese New Year haha.. Mostly I afk and just auto-debate but when I am more free to play the story mode or follow the story during events, the story/cases/mysteries are actually well written.

Oooh la la.. how am I supposed to find more time for Final Fantasy VII First Soldier which is coming out this upcoming Wednesday? T_T My eyes...

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