Monday, December 7, 2020

No Zhongli

I am still spending too much time on Genshin Impact that even the excitement of revenge was not enough to make me write a post about it last week. Lol. After my rant in last post, I did my statistics for enquiries and thank goodness: data proved the bitch wrong. I am not going to talk too much and let the evidence speak for itself.

Ironically, I still had a bad week overall because I did not get Zhongli in Genshin Impact huhuhu... As expected, my good luck would not continue after pulling Childe quite quickly previously. On the bright side, I got all the 4 star characters from this current banner. I really needed fire and ice power so I finally can progress with the game. Although the reviews for Zhongli have been terrible, I don't care because I focus on enjoyment by playing with cool characters haha... Yeah I can say that now although during playing, I will be cursing when playing with my underleveled characters.

My diet was more successful last week as I kept a clean sheet from any potato chips despite few temptations of really grabbing a bag on a few days. I made an exception on Saturday as I wanted to spend my Garrett voucher. I was happy that I could try the seasonal flavour: Dark Choc Cocoa. No way I would buy it without a voucher at $10.50 for the small one. Haha.. I am a savoury person and $10 worth of potato chips would give me more joy. I enjoyed it much better than expected as it is not as sweet as the normal caramel version. As my voucher was $10, I was paiseh if I just bought one Dark Choc Cocoa and only paid 50 cents. I added a small bag of the Cheese Corn (which is only $5.50) and that was a mistake as I could get a bigger bag of potato chips with that price.

I went to Church again for Mass yesterday and I had 4-day streak of gym. I could go again today but I decided to give my body a break. Year-end appraisal is coming so it is going to be a relatively toxic week ahead. Not that it is making a big difference as currently I am also still sore with the bitch. I know I am supposed to be forgiving bla bla bla but that is easier said than done.

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