The short break home was definitely worth it. I never expect that I could be more productive at home than here. I am way too distracted with laptop and internet here. At home, they are no longer the distraction as I have my bed, my comics, and my toys. However, this time I managed to resist temptations LOL. I only read about 10 mangas (out of 40-50 books I guess) haha and I did not touch my toys at all. Come on, just another few weeks to go and I can go back to take care them all.
However the productivity is still too low :( Oh well, now I am at the brink of unable to finish studying (as usual...). But I always wonder what will happen if I did not go back. How much laggier would I be right now? Haiz..
And I am so glad to find out that there is a HDTV at home now. I would definitely find an AV cable here to link my PSP to the HDTV during the holidays hahaha... I also got the chance to driving automatic car which was really damn easy! Lol.. Although I am still a lousy driver. In fact, I almost crashed into an old couple who were crossing the road. My attention was focused on a reversing car on the left and did not see the couple crossing from the right side. Thank God for my dad to see them and for them to walk very slowly too!
My mission to replenish toiletries was not fully accomplished. I don't know why everywhere was running out of stock of my shampoo!! Grr.. at least I got the soap and pimple mask ba.. And it was surprising that with only 50 bars of soap (by right should only be 5kg), my luggage was 16.7kg. The people doing the x-ray was laughing when they saw my luggage. They had to be thinking which crazy guy would go overseas with a luggage full of soap and nothing else. :p
The bottom most tasted like lapchiong but it was salty instead of sweet.. Overall the whole thing was too oily and unhealthy ba! And I was cheated by the sausage which looked like a shell. It did not come like that. They put a toothpick to roll it that way. Lol
So yeah.. back to mugging now.. 7 more chapters to go :( Don't even remember what I read previously haiz..
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