Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Visual Rosary

Leading prayer is something I am terrible and terribly scared at. Thus, I sort of 'cheated' to volunteer to lead prayer tonight since tomorrow is the Feast of the Our Lady of the Rosary, it is apt and just nice to pray a decade of rosary for my Landings group.

I expected that it would be a walk in the park to just find a Youtube video to play. I was so wrong. There are so many videos on praying the rosary but I find most of them have the people reciting the prayers so fast. Perhaps that is normal speed of how the Angmohs speak but I find it even faster than my usual auto pilot praying mode. In the end, I had to view quite a lot of videos to find something at reasonable pace, a soothing voice and not boring, nice visuals, preferably with nice background music too. The good news is that I was able to find one. I think the pace is still quite fast but this one meets all the other requirements.

The bonus is my effort is not only to be used once as I think this can be something I use for my daily rosary after trying it today. Initially I thought the images would be distracting. I think some are quite distracting, especially for the Sorrowful Mystery, but overall I think the images help to focus. The song at the end of each deacde allows me to have my own prayer and meditation. I normally do this at the start of the decade but it is fine to do it at the end too.

Now I just have to download the other mysteries from this channel since watching directly from Youtube will be interrupted by the advertisement. Thank God and Mother Mary for allowing me to find this gem to help me more to pray the Rosary.

In addition, now I know how to embed Youtube video again as I tried to share this video with this post. Previously I thought this function was gone as blogger was updated and I had to use insert video function. Apparently now I just have to switch to 'HTML view' and paste the embed link/code. In the past, I could simply paste the code to the 'Compose view' but doing that now will just result in the embed code being displayed as text. It is still not as convenient as last time but at least I finally find the getaround.

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