Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First it was sore throat..
Now it becomes flu-like..
Then come the stupid email about the "graduands list" crap.. It just made me burn with anger, hatred, and jealousy. Yeah I wish 'All the worst' to that person.. Not that it makes me feel better anyway..

And I start to feel emo.. I hate doing my project.. I cannot foresee the end-point so it is hard for me to do/say/thing something constructive about it. The supervisor is... erm.. well I wish I get someone better.. 

And I start to feel sad, stupid, inadequate, dumb, idiotic.. I am glad that my preceptor is nice and "spoonfeeds" me. I cannot imagine if I am in hospital.. All that was asked of me I could not answer.. It seems that it was useless to actually do reading beforehand since school equipped me with shit only :(

Come to think of it.. perhaps it is a miracle.. or an accident.. that with an idiotic brain of mind, I still graduate with first class honours.. Although I barely made it.. Thank goodness I am out of school. I don't hate it. I FUCKING HATE IT!

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