Saturday, April 23, 2011

PR 4105: Natural Products

The paper was quite do-able on the verge of easy actually. Unfortunately, I focused on the wrong things so at the end of it, I still could not do well. I focused on the chemistry parts (like terpene vs steroid or the steroid production) and ended up more were being asked regarding the regurgitation.. Sigh.. 

The MCQ was not too terrible. About <10 questions I was unsure. The rest I was pretty sure and hopefully it is not only my feeling but they are really correct! The headache was the long question. 

I sort of prepared for regulation and the extraction so I guess they were pretty okay. Though still, I missed out a few things :( The last part on clinical trials at US was unexpected though. I just checked the notes and the answer should be dependent on FDA to determine whether it was a drug or not. Haiz.. If FDA says drug then need to apply for IND thingy..

The TCM question was a nightmare came through. I hate TCM topics and guess what: the largest chunk of info that I skipped was the one came out as a 10m question! How many TCM therapeutic classes are there and name 4! That was like 10m giveaway :( To me it was totally gone case.. My "guess the magic number game" was wrong. I was thinking of 16 19 or 21 and the correct answer was 22. And I totally had no memories regarding any of the therapeutic classes.. I wrote 6 craps, I think, and let him choose la.. Don't think out of 6 I hit 2 correct T_T

The last question was also a heartache. I forgot about garlic parts :( And I got gingko and ginseng mixed up. Oh gosh -_-"

I am very very sad.. It was a very easy paper, in my opinion, as most of the things only "name". No need lengthy explanations so I could finish before time. But oh well.. I spotted and focused wrongly.. I would still consider myself lucky because at the last minutes of desperation, I got the inspiration to just read the main summary of drugs used for CVS and for mental. The last question came out similarly like that (not much details was asked) but I still got the garlic wrong :(

And I really wanna slap the TCM lecturer. 4 sets of god-knows-what-shit and only like 5 MCQ questions plus the shit 10m question.. Haiz.. can only hope other people skipped those shit tables too :'(

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