Friday, May 16, 2008


Yeah... tomorrow I am flying off. Yay yay yay! It was quite good spend the last week alone in my corridor. I wish that happens all the time. The toilet is clean, the kitchen is perfect, the rubbish bin is empty, and there is space for me in the fridge (I mean for me to put stuff... not for me to fit into the the fridge!).

I always dread packing... So tiring and stressful... I hate that people order me to buy this buy that like shit. It is just wasting my time, my money, and stresses me while I am packing. I see my friends who are flying off, they have much less stuff as compared to me. It must be because they don't have people ordering them to buy so many stuff. Haiz...

I am constantly feeling lethargic. I have been sleeping over 2 AM for this week. I have been playing Cabal. Yeah, I have nothing better to do I guess.. No online game at home but I really wish my facebook games are playable :) :)

The American Idol has come to the final next week. I watched this week episode from Youtube as I was waiting for hours to get my 9dragons uploaded few days ago. 1 song I like and is very interesting because there is BOO! Lol... I really do not expect that BOO is such a famous expression lol...

I think instead of "With You", the title should be "My Boo". Lol.. Nice song though...

I thought my ears were bluffing me so this is the original version (the music) with the text... It IS really BOO. Lol...

Oops.. almost missed this funny thing. It is quite a long video. Fantasia is so scary but the thing I want to point out is Simon's expression at the end of the Fantasia's singing!!! Lol...

Ok.. I shall have my dinner now and faster pack as much as I can... I am falling sick (my nose suddenly bled on the bus today... I think someone saw -_-). I hope I don't die... Haiz...


Monday, May 12, 2008


After exam, we had a photo taking session. From Friday - Sunday, I had a retreat with ICy at the Saint Theresa's Church. Considering how ugly my hair already is, I was very surprised to see that I looked quite decent in the photos taken on both occasions. Hehehe... Lucky!!!

The retreat went much better than I expected and I hoped. I had fun and I had my first confession. Gosh.. I just love my faith. I never expected that the penance would be so light. I expected something along the line of 1 week of rosary or something. No, it is much lighter and the priest's advice was also so good. No judgement or condemnation. I was really touched.

This semester had been so busy that only on Wednesday was the very first American Idol (of this season) that I watched. Apparently the previous episode created a lot of hoo-hah on whether the show is scripted. Here is the video:

Poor Paula. I think she got a lot of bashing up after that. Oh well, I still love her and I still enjoy this show especially the judges' comments (as compared to so many Idols versions that I have watched).

So now my main activity is gaming. Some games that I am playing are from Facebook. Heroes is getting boring as it takes forever to level up. But I am glad that I find Battle Stations. It is much more enjoyable and it has prettier graphics. Yay... Cabal takes forever to level up so I just play it for fun...

I feel so dead and unmotivated as I really have nothing to do and to look forward to...

And I feel very lonely...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

LAC1201: Chinese 1; LSM1401: Fundamentals of Biochemistry; PY1106: Physiology II; GEK1001: Place, Environment, and Society; PR1103: Pharmacy Practice

Recap of the papers, in order of appearance:

LAC 1201 - Chinese 1
This was long long ago. I may forget the code number also. Anyway, I believe this would be my best score. Lol... It was not so simple but so lucky that I got 85. I expected to get 90 though. There was one additional mistake that I do not know why until now. The other 2 mistakes were already expected even from during the exam. Yah... that's my ppor luck in doing MCQs. Always tikam the wrong ones.. When I changed answer, the original answer was the correct one. When I did not change, the one I wanted to change to became the correct one. Darn... I just hope this module can get A... Please...

LSM 1401 - Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Sucks... My summary sheet was completely USELESS (as in I did not even use it!). I only opened the book to check for the amino acid structures. I was shocked because I could not even finish shading. I did not see any clock at the hall and the teacher acted so strict. Haiz... Nevermind... To my horror, when I checked what those question I had no time to shade, there were few that I did not even look/read/think the questions at all. Some of the questions were too wordy. And my biggest disappointment is that I spent quite some time doing the 2 cancelled question. What the hell... This is bad but I hope there are sufficient people to do worse than me.

PY 1106 - Physiology II
Finally, it is the last of it! (I even forgot how to spell it and misspelt it to pyshiology). It was as bad as the last sem final exam. I felt better though (I guess it is immunity). I am hoping that my grade is the same as last time.

GEK 1001 - Place, Environment, and Society
Sucks sucks sucks... If I can get an S, I have nothing to complain already

PR 1103 - Pharmacy Practice
The last paper and it is the WORST for me. It is the worst in the sense that it left a very bitter aftertaste. I could not finish. I had no idea about what to write regarding the counselling question. Haiz... Did not even have the time to check the calculations. In short, I have no confidence in this one. I am praying for miracles.

Believe or not, this is actually my first exam time that I did not experience any stress. Yahz, so perhaps it is true that the Spirit and God's grace do exist. Wowowowow!!! I mean I have known myself for 21 years and there was no single exam period (no matter how confident and how well prepared I am) when I did not feel any little pang of stress at all. Gosh... The feeling does help. I think I am already quite helpless and tired of studying.

Oh yeah!!! I was so sad and angry today. But the moment I went shopping (though I did not buy things for myself), I immediately felt happier. Gosh.... I become a girl already... Spent $400 today. I wanted to cry already. Airfare costs $100 than the last time I bought (and the last time was december-january which should be a high season, I believe). The fuel charge increased (expected) and there is an additional administration fee of $30. What the heck... Haiz... and S$ keeps increasing... Hostel bill also came. Not the full vacation but it amounted to $400 already. I will go bankrupt soon... The bill is not a full bill yet. I believe the last 2 weeks of vacation will use the new hostel rate already. If my scholarship allowance does not increase, that's the end of me T_T

Haiz... I am tired... I shall prepare to sleep now :)