Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Commencement 07/07/2011

 The graduation bear was a gift from my cousin!! Wow.. I would not even spend my money on this! Lol.. I still prefer the lion since lion is NUS mascot :p

I officially graduated from school life to enter the working world. Though I initially thought there was nothing special about this day, I kinda enjoyed it in the end. It was supposed to be a day for great celebration but I ended up feeling angry for most of it. And it was not because of the award thingy.. Sigh.. 

It was about the people I brought for the event. I did not have a camera so I had to rely on my dad (who brought camera) to take the photos. And guess what did they do? After the end of the event, they happily ate the bloody buffet! My phone calls were ignored! I wanted to get them to the courtyard to take some photos with my friends and lectueres and I could not even get them. They happily forced me to take photos at some "hot" spots. And it was embarassing to jostle for the spots with other people. Perhaps they were in "tourist-mode" but I was clearly not! I don't know what kind of faces eventually turned up in the photos. I eventually lost my temper when my mum kept on pestering to buy this and that, which I thought was a waste of money! So yeah in the end, it was useless to have them to come.. Fuck.. Everytime I see my friends commencement pictures, I feel so jealous and angry zz!

It was also similar with my clique. We could not get a single photo with everyone inside. Everyone was everywhere and phone calls went unnoticed. Sigh..

Looking at the memorable things, I am very glad that I work in UCC as the ushers really made the day special to me. They cheered for me ("We will miss you!) when I went up on stage! It was kinda embarassing since mostly people were only giving applause for the award winners. But I could not help but to giggle and laugh as I was walking and taking the scroll. Haha.. My FYP supervisor was also very nice. She sat somewhere near the steps so that when her lab members received their scroll (other than me, there were one of my classmates and one of the PhD students graduating), she could 'welcome' them and shook hands to congratulate. That was very sweet gesture.

After me, there was a classmate of mine who is also an usher. They last minute informed me to run to the other side of the hall to cheer for her. The usher who invited me thought it was quite urgent so I ran in that oversized gown and I think people outside the hall were thinking I was mad or something. And actually shouting to cheer was more embarassing than the one being cheered!! Haha.. It was a pleasant surprise that the usually strict and professional working environment would allow us (actually the manager encouraged us to support the graduating ushers!) to do this, especially since the audience was relatively quiet :p

At the end of everything, we had another tradition of throwing the graduating ushers 3x to the air. Lol.. I threw my friend and was thrown after that. Too bad my commencement was in a weekdays so not many people I know was working. The throw was kinda low since they were mostly girls lol.. Still I enjoyed it, rather than was scared of it. As a result, I did not have good photos since I was too relaxed and remained in a flat position in the air haha.. The hysterical ones had nicer photos in the air.

But in the end, my biggest thanks to the UCC and the ushers. Not only they gave me money and working opportunities for the past 1.5 years, they also gave me good memories for this commencement. It is indeed a nice feeling to get something which the other hundreds of graduands did not get on that day ^^

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