Friday, October 2, 2009

Life is so boring without CAs hahaha... Finally the CA season is over (not as if I have a lot lol). I just cannot wait for the doom which will come in 4 weeks time. When all the CAs fall within 1 week among one another. For now, I shall enjoy the eLearning week which is equal to the second mid-sem break. They should do this more often :D

The week has not been good. The weather is getting worse.. and haze makes it even hotter.. Grr.. They make me have sleepless nights.. it is also damn hard to take a nap.. Haiz.. So when I am stressed or emo, the weather will just make me feel even lousier.

The med chem CA was baad.. Really really bad!! Haiz.. to be honest it was not as bad as I expected. The first question was a total rip-off from notes. Haiz.. I never memorise word per word because I expected more of application and thinking question. So yeah.. wtf.. I am screwed.. and because it is vomiting, I am sure everybody else will be doing great.. That's why I say the paper is baad... The second question was pretty good, not a regurgitation.. And it was quite doable surprisingly.. The tutorial questions were much more sinister.

There were 2 occasions when I wished I had a Death Note.. And after thinking, I will easily obliterate half of the people whom I know.. Yah so sad.. My life is filled with hatred to the people around me.. Okay perhaps hatred is too harsh, dislike is more appropriate. Haha.. I was so pissed with the people I am working with. Well, I know my ego is too big and I need to learn to accept criticism. BUT.. I hate being criticised for being efficient and reasonable.. Especially when this criticism came from inefficient, unreasonable, and people with poor vision and planning. Oh well.. I guess I just need a dose of revenge to proof that what I did was right.. Some people say I may be too harsh sometimes with my words but when I re-read my email that was nothing wrong with that. So yeah.. I see no fault for the criticism hurled at me.. just wait for my show time..

Oh ya.. I was not talking about my SDL groupmates btw. Lol.. Most of them are lazy.. and for this week I totally cannot be bothered about it.. I did enough with my nagging last week but nobody seemed to listen or care. So do not come and bother me again lol.. I gave enough comments and nothing happened so I might as well save my time doing other things haha.. Anyway the deadline was today. And I had a preview of the hell to come.. I got a glimpse on one project and holy shit.. my worst fear came into reality: tables tables and tables.. When there are 7 tables (with 3/4 page to full page of length each) and several big wordy diagrams in a 23-page report (23 is inclusive of reference!), you can imagine how ridiculous it will be if everyone is doing that.. Well knowing the people in my class, I am sure everyone else will also be on par in terms of kiasu-ness. Oh well, even my group is not 100% guilt free about it.. but even with the low probability, I hope that the marker will cut marks for the too many tables etc etc.. Haiz.. 1 subsection which consists of the subheading, 1 sentence, and a 1 page table can be considered "empty". Wishful thinkings..

I shall focus on my SoM and other modules.. Even though the CAs are still quite "distant" away.. I know I am lagging faaar behind.. especially on DFD which I have not touched at all..

The eLearning week will be good but I am praying hard for the weather to improve.. Rain and Wind... I summon thee...

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