Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mid-Autumn Festival

OMG.. I am so lifeless that I just now that Mid-Autumn festival was this weekend.. after all the celebration were over -_- haiz.. Yesterday I was talking to one senior her experience in sampling the various mooncake stalls at Taka B2 square. There was even champagne flavour!! OMG.. Not that I like champagne but I always love to try strange combinations of food. Ah ya, I thought I should visit during the eLearning week but too bad.. today was the last day.. Sian..

I am having cravings for durian.. So because it is the mooncake season, I am wishing for durian mooncake, which I think does not exist.. Actually it does T_T and when I told this to several friends, many of them just had it yesterday huhuhu... I gotta wait one year for my durian mooncake..

Anyway I have not been studying. Lol.. Gaming can even be more stressful than mugging leh! On friday I was so furious that it took me 45 mins to beat an enemy in the game.. I was emoing all the way by playing the game until 530am. Lol.. I read a game guide for the final boss and it seems almost impossible to beat the game. Thank God it was not that hard. Perhaps it is because my character is max level also. Yeah.. so not so emo anymore haha..

The ending is a bit short T_T and never really wraps the whole game.. A bit disappointing.. It took me 40 hours (to just complete) or 100 hours (to 100% complete) to finish Final Fantasy 8 and the reward of 5mins+ of beautiful CG ending.. This Dissidia.. haiz.. I think I played for at least 40 hours also.. but the ending is only 1 mins +. Grr.. But the ending credit song is quite beautiful hehe.. They medley all the previous games' ending songs together. And I just learnt that "Love Will Grow" is the soundtrack of FFII. Lol.. The first time I heard this nice song was from the pirated mp3 CD compilations from my sister about 5 years ago. I think the CD cover states it is FFVI or FFIII song lol..

Kind of reminding me my emo times in V Hall.. Haha.. In JC I had nothing except my mp3 player and the songs to kill my time.. So usually when I could not sleep or felt emo with school, I would sing at the staircase.. looking at the moon.. with my mp3.. and this song is one of my favourite hehe..


Too bad FFII is too ancient for a game to have its own FMV...

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