Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spoilt ending of a perfect holiday :(

This is the very first RECESS week which I am able to rest ever since JC days.. Wooohooo.. School system has to be changed to what I am experiencing right now. It is okay to work hard and batter the students with numerous tests and projects as long as they are during the school term, but not during the break. I really only slacked and played during the break.. and trust me, that feels fantastic!! Hehe..

On Wednesday night I actually watched a guitar concert for my SoM module.. As expected, I will never be able to appreciate guitar concert. When it plays the melody, it is just too soft and not interesting. It is better off as an accompaniment. Even though the place was at UCC (isn't it cool?), the concert hall itself was quite small. Jeez.. I think those concerts at JC would be much more meaningful (larger audience) and more fun (most of the audience would be own friends). Haha.. not so much a regret of not joining harmoc in uni.. Since the concert was bad, I was so excited to write the review!! Haha... Done :) But I did not manage to compose any single shit for the MIDI assignment.. Haiz haiz..

My plan to earn money is ruined. It is unbelievable that people were not replying to the job training to be conducted during the recess week! I have no idea what these people were doing la.. Haiz.. I should have just ponned lessons few weeks back to attend the training.. Sob sob T_T

By the way, the weather was also great during the great week. It was not hot at night. Instead I was even using the blanket ^o^.. Friday marked the last day of the holiday (since weekends are always holidays) and the moment it passed 12am to Saturday, the weather turned awful... What a great sign of the omen to come. I hardly could sleep that night because of the heat. The heat still continues on until today..

Since Saturday was regarded as not a holiday anymore, I decided to get back to my schoolwork. I printed my notes and I checked my CA results.. Wtf.. It was bad.. as expected.. but to be honest.. it was not as bad as my expectation, considering I was at an insane state during the test since I could not get my PSP. Haiz.. I will not be able to score well for the module already.. I did better last sem and eventually I could not even get an A.. Haiz.. I see many A+s around me so I suppose my grade was higher than expectation because of the nursing students.. For the final grade, when the curve is split, I shall be doomed.

Med chem is also a killer. I did tutorial 1, I was left half dead. I was surprised that the people chosen to do were actually able to do the questions quite well. That means I am just one of the dumb asses.. I forgot on how to do naming and drawing resonance structure -_-.. Adding salt to my pharmaco wounds, words like "suphonyl urea" and "glibenclamide" did ring a bell in my head. But I could not figure out where they were in the pharmaco notes. And it was only 2 weeks after the test. Haiz.. I can imagine in next May that in the hospital, I would be rude and cursing my preceptor. Most likely I will get a sucky one anyway.. so no point in being nice to someone who will fail you anyways. Ah, rewind back to the tutorial, tutorial 2 totally killed me and my drive to mug the rest of the module.. Aaargh.. die liao.. The drug modification etc is waaay too difficult for me. I only hoped that the teachers were having a bad day when they set the CA questions. Please make them extremely fucking hard and slaughter all the students. I hope those who are damn good in memorising only would get the proper grade for what they truly deserve! They gained too much advantage in the course which emphasised heavily on making walking MIMSes and Martindales instead of creating future professional. Die you DIE DIE DIE!!! MWAHAHAAHAHAHA....

And I am looking forward to the eLearning week. Call it whatever you like but for students, when they do not need to go to school, it only means one thing: HOLIDAY ^^

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