Sunday, May 14, 2023

Living hell

The weather, or more exactly the heat, this week completes my life in a living hell. It is so hot that I thought the aircon was spoilt. Only after realising that the heat was not just my 'feeling' and the news is reporting temperature up to 34 degrees, I turn my aircon down to 26 degrees and that is the lowest ever since I moved to this place more than a decade ago. With such an irritating weather, I got extremely irritable at work for the whole week. It has been really a long time since I felt so mentally drained and tried my best not too sound exasperated despite me wanting to explode.

I overcame my laziness and went for my Saturday volunteering again yesterday. I overslept and almost missed the bus stop which is an evidence of how long I have been away that my body clock has lost the awareness to wake me up near my stop. Haha or perhaps previously I never fell asleep on the bus journey on Saturday morning. Another volunteer told me that I seemed to lose weight. Ironically few hours later, my pants button burst. Haiz.. Yeah.. Clearly no effect on my belly yet. I had to use my sewing skill again. I cannot remember the last time I did sewing but thank God I am somehow still keeping the skill.

This week marks the third week that I am able to restrain myself from potato chips. It gets easier since I am not even tempted to check out the potato chips section anymore.. until this morning. Haha.. I visited Cold Storage after gym and I was very very very (yes! very!) tempted to get the buy 2 get 3 Kettles potato chips. Yep, the same exact thing I bought before I embarked on this abstinence. This time I was able to resist. Hehe.. With the same promotion being repeated just barely a month later makes me think that the supplier knows that $5.65 for each pack is way too expensive. They should cut down the price back to $3.95 each. That is still cheaper than buy 2 get 3. Anyway, I think this promo may be a more regular occurrence so I still can get them next time after losing 6 more kg.

Unfortunately I am still struggling and losing against bottled drinks. I managed to resist $3.50 for 2 promotion for the Chococino at Cold Storage but I succumbed after lunch since the promotion at Fairprice is $2.95 for 2. My excuse is Sunday is my cheat day but oh well.. Buying two bottles mean cheating for two days.

This diet journey has been tough especially in the past two days. Previously I used to eat a bit more on weekends but I am cutting down the additional snacks and try to just keep to one main lunch. This makes me feeling hungry at 5pm-ish. It is very strange since my lunch on weekdays is without additional snack and I can tahan until dinner after gym. I have lost 4kg so far so at least cutting down the potato chips and additional weekend snack is showing effect. This is the motivation to keep on going and to work on stopping the bottled drinks which is made impossible due to the weather this past week. I hope this heat will be over soon.

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