Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Justice always prevails

God works in miraculous way. I felt very irritated with myself for withholding myself and over the weekend, I was scheming on how to craft my feedback on the bitch during the year-end appraisal. I say 'scheming' because revenge will easily cloud my mind and if I follow my emotion, I may end up spewing things which may backfire.

The stress over the weekend was worth it because today I had the chance to say those things. My boss was concerned if I had a conflict with the bitch. So basically the bitch just self-destructed since I had nothing on my side. Initially I had reservations of keeping them until year-end appraisal as I do not want to be seen as trying to engage in politics. Well today was not appraisal so I was able to say everything without heaviness in my heart since it was feedback session hehe. I thank God for protecting me from going bonkers and only said the objective things and avoid the subjective stuff. I know I always do the right things so by staying with the objective stuff, people will not be able to tear me down.

Another complaint that I received was that I seemed to avoid enquiries. I have been tasked to get statistics for enquiries so this will be a good time to update this statistics and see if objectively I really did few enquiries. I will do that tomorrow and I hope the data will show otherwise. That would be a perfect weapon for me retaliate at the bitch so that she learns to think before spewing rubbish and stop making a fool out of herself as usual.

My diet plan for this Advent already failed from yesterday. I did not manage to secure a gym slot yesterday. With no banana at home, I had to order delivery for dinner. Another reason was that I got $8 voucher from Deliveroo so I wanted to use it ASAP. Today I wanted to be good but all the bananas were green so they were inedible tonight if I bought them. I ended up having snack as my dinner. Huhuhu T_T Why are temptations keep coming when I try to be good boy for this Advent?

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