Saturday, January 13, 2018

Winter in Singapore

The weather this week has been very unusual with temperatures dropping to the low 20s. I can do without the rain but I certainly enjoy the cold weather. Hehe.. I can even sleep comfortably under blanket with my fan off. I can't believe that there are people complaining about such a nice cooling weather. I certainly enjoy cool weather as it allows me to wear nicer clothes. Too bad that I work on weekdays so I only had the chance to wear my long sleeve t-shirt today.

Last year I bought Singapore Mint coin rather late and I missed out on the Treasure Cove set :( I overlook that rooster is dragon's best mate and in a society that is crazy about having dragon babies, there are definitely a lot of dragons and rooster will be in high demand as well. Learning from that, I decided to buy the coin for Dog Year early. The unexpected surprise was the Abundance Dog set that contains a medallion with a silver foil of Mickey. They claimed that the original price is $108 and only for this weekend the price is $68. Since the set is cheaper than the prices of the medallion and the Mickey silver foil separately, I bought it.

I was so tempted to skip volunteering yesterday because the weather was so nice to sleep. Despite grudgingly going, I left feeling happy. This is not the first time and it really just proves that when we give ourselves to others, we actually receive something even more in return. That happy feeling is just priceless.

If I did not go, there would be nobody to dispense yesterday. It is another reminder that I am volunteering for this because I can make use of my license and not everyone can contribute in this role. I am happy that there were 3 PTs and 1 pharmacy student to help me dispense. I was basically just checking, intervening, and passing the cases to them to dispense. 1 of the PTs remembered me because she was once attached at my workplace a few years ago. I felt so bad that she remembered me but I could not remember her :( The student was a volunteer during Paragames in 2015. I remembered him and he still remembered me.

This week I learnt a new word: POR. It is a dialect that means boot lick or suck up. The list of January promotion was out this week. While it is never a surprise to see pets being promoted quicker than others, it is always a sad reminder that this company does not value hard work. So why the fuck am I still around? ... because noone else wants me. It seems that the holiday effect already disappears into thin air and I am back in FML mode especially when it is about work.

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