Sunday, January 7, 2018

Counting the damage

With the end of holiday and unpacking, it is time to tally the receipts to see how much I spent for the few days in Japan for the goodies which were not budgeted for. I spent more than 100k yen in total and almost a quarter was just for photos. I spent 4x 1500 yen for photos with the Unicorn Gundam while Disneyland set me back by 10x 1540 yen + 2000 yen. The rest went for anime-related stuff and books which were not unreasonable individually. Photos seem to be huge waste of money but perhaps I am already growing old and I find that spending on memories and experience ultimately gives more happiness than actual material things. I only took photo at Mickey's house during my trip in 2015 and now the photo size is smaller and the cover is also different. Nice that they change things but not nice because it means that the next time I visit, things may change again which means I will buy again. Hahaha..

As expected work sucks and it is a torture to get back to work. Surprisingly the inertia to go back to gym is even bigger. The saving grace is that I feel more motivated because I did not gain weight after the winter trip so there is a bigger chance to lose weight now especially when I can resume my L-men dinner although I do not know how long I sustain the momentum.

I completed 12 months payment for gym and with the bonuses and suspension, my membership will still last until April. So it seems that paying for 12 months to get an actual 16 months is not that bad. A problem that I will face now will be how to clock the monthly $500 for my UOB One account. Hmm while talking about money, surprisingly the advertisement for DBS Multiplier account pop-ed up and I clicked on in. I knew they updated it a few months ago but I did not bother to check because previously DBS Multiplier account requirements to earn any higher interests were way too unattainable for me. Thank goodness the update makes it even better than OCBC 360 so instantaneously I decided to switch. Now I shall just wait for switching back my GIRO arrangements to DBS and I can say goodbye to OCBC 360. That reminds me that I need to chase after DBS about my missing miles. And while all these $$$ are not settled yet, I also need to start planning for the May trip to Japan with my family.

After away for 1 year, I managed to drag myself to go to church today. Let's hope that this will not just be a new year resolution that will go down the drain a few weeks later. But since it is a new year, it is just nice to adjust my Sunday schedule to fit in both gym and church commitments.

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