Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Unusual dream

I had a very strange dream last night. I find it very strange because I thought dreams are always related to the dreamer's (near) past. The only thing I can relate to in my dream was myself haha.. The only thing bugging my mind currently is only school and game.

The other thing which I find very unusual was the fact that I could only remember WHAT I did. I could not (or did not) recognise anybody in the dream.. I did not even pay attention to the settings. Usually I would take notice in the objects. For example: I can recall the dream when a dog was chasing after me and I had to jump off a cliff. Lol.. I saw the dog and I recognised the cliff etc.. There was also a time when I dreamt about my grandma's cooking. I actually remembered the things she said, the things she cooked, and of course I recognised her as my grandma!

So.. here is my dream. I actually was playing BASEBALL! That is totally unrelated to Kingdom Hearts. I did not watch/read any drama/video/manga lately. I totally had no idea how the thought of baseball could even enter my mind! My dream started when I actually pitched (threw) the ball to opponent. I got 3 "ball" meaning I flunked all 3. Haha.. The first one went too high.. The second one went too low.. And the last one was the best: I did not even throw the ball because I lost my body positioning as I was about to throw.. It was counted as ball and I had no idea whether that is what happen in real life. Lol.. I did not even know where I was actually playing.. I vaguely remembered it was not in stadium or in school.. More like a forest??  I remembered seeing grass and trees lol. Even weirder right? But I am sure I was playing with humans! Not with animals or plants in the forest hahaha...

Then I emo on the bench (with few teammates who I refer as teammates only.. I didnt even look at their face) to somehow discover my team was leading 15-8 and now it became 15-15. Now.. I wonder perhaps these numbers have any meaning... Are such numbers even possible in real life? I have no idea... Well after that, the matched just ended and everyone was congratulating one another. I did not even know who won haha.. In the end I found out that my team won with 16-15.

The last thing I remembered was that I hugged 2 teammates (in celebration), 2 opponents (in consolation), it all ended with me hugging and telling the manager "So are you glad that you did not choose to take a break this year?". 

Then I woke up... It was unusual.. and it was very very strange haha..

Well the feeling of victory managed to gear me up a bit in the morning.. But too bad, I am just a big loser in real life... Aaa~~~h if only I could dream longer... Perhaps I still can hope for that dream to be continued to nite? :p One thing for sure, I wonder what it all means... And if dreams are meaningless, I would like an explanation on how suddenly such random dreams came upon me.

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