Friday, October 15, 2010

Chilean miners

Do you believe in miracle?

While miracle may not happen to my own personal life, this whole Chilean miners thingy really shows me that God does exist and miracles do happen. 33 men trapped underground (600m+ depth) for more than 2 months have finally been rescued. 

I did not follow the story right from the start. It got my attention when they were discovered alive a few weeks after the mine collapsed. That was already a miracle. It also showed the perseverence of these man. They managed to survive that long from 2 days emergency rations.. After they were discovered to be alive, the people from the ground managed to get connected with them and sent them food etc etc.

Indeed it is pathetic to see how people are bickering about God online regarding this incident.. Well, I do understand when people are angry and question where God was when the mine collapsed etc.. It has been a mind boggling experience for everyone but I guess in the end, everyone survived! Does it matter whether it is God or Man's work?? To me it is both's work.. Without the effort and the technology, the rescue is just impossible.. But to think that there are 1001 things that can go wrong at any moment, right into the last moments when they brought up the men one by one, it is just impossible that everything went smoothly without God's mercy.. But regardless of what people say, I am sure God has made an impact at least for these 33 men and their families... for the rescue team who realised that things might go wrong anytime but nothing bad happened... for everyone who has been praying for these men..

The lesson is no matter in what kind of difficulty, there would always be a way out.. Trust God and people.. God cannot help us directly, he needs us to help ourselves.. And last but not least, this reminds me to the saying that I once heard: Miracle is when God's plan and Man's work coincide

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