Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sick :(

I am stressed and I don't have enough rest for the past few days. Sigh.. The climax was Thursday evening. After the talk, I had to rush through my proposal draft since I had promised to submit it on Friday. After burning midnight oil (and only had 4 hours of sleep), I was a living zombie on Friday. Skipped the afternoon lessons to rest and I could not wake up. Bleah.. The feeling was like waking up after 5 days of outdoor camp/OBS liddat.

My internet is still quite sucky and hence I decide to work on this weekend. Haiz.. I know it's gonna be tiring as hell. Yesterday alone, I stood for more than 8 hours. I have another event coming up today. Gg... Tomorrow I will start my lab and I hardly did any research for what I will be doing. I am just too tired. And doing research (with the shitty internet speed) will surely make me even more stressed and angsty. Sigh..

I am stressed over many things.. school.. fyp... and many more... My grandma fell sick... and I am very tired. I need to guard myself from the negative thoughts or else I am gonna be more emo. Sigh.. I am so jealous when I see my friends having such a good life like overseas internship and student exchange programme while I am stuck here with $5/day and treated-like-a-shit-by-shits internship, no exchange opportunities, and equally bleak future.. Bah... I feel so fat and ugly.. Too tired and too busy to exercise anymore.. End up binge eating.. Really sad le :(

And finally, I am not going to church this weekend. Sigh.. I wanted to go the earliest one.. But I was too tired. I woke up at 650.. It would be too late (usually I already leave my room at 650). I woke up at 10+ so I missed the 2nd mass... The next time I checked my clock, it was 1106 and the last mass was at 1115. T_T Still have the 5pm one.. But since I am working at 6pm, I think it's pointless for me to go halfway. Haiz.. I would end up being stressed because I may arrive late for work.. Aaah.. God forgives me...

I have one good news to share. Yesterday there were these 2 irritating patrons who complained so much because they had shitty seats and had to walk so far bla bla bla.. Grr I was damn irritated.. But they were actually quite nice too. When they went to toilet, they understood that they could only enter in between items (wow.. quite educated eh?).. But the best part was when they said thank you and praised me for helping them to open the doors and waited for them. Haha.. Lol.. I was tired but that made my day T_T especially since it was coming from nasty ppl :D

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