Friday, September 10, 2010

I feel slightly better this week. After another showdown at computer centre, my internet is finally running normally again. Fiuh... Even though I am tired and stressed over school work, it seems that the main bulk of the stress is caused by lack of internet connection. Haha... Hardcore addict sia!!!

Half semester is almost gone and sadly, it is the time to seriously study already. I am very sad that I have no more "free time". All my free time and free days are used up to do lab work. Sigh.. To be honest, I feel a bit of regret. If I am doing non-lab, I will be slacking now. I can just read stuff on my bed etc etc.. I hate lab work :( It is so tedious and time consuming haiz...

At the start of the semester, I made a resolution to be a good student. Looks like everything fails. I just copy blindly my tutorials.. Sigh.. And I only realised that I have a test coming up next week! So far, I am conveniently thinking that all my tests will be after the mid-sem break. Plus all the burden on my project, AAARGH!!

Anyway today one assignment done ^^ I realised it was more natural for me to be Ah Beng than to be a pharmacist last time. Haha.. Now I know the direction of my future career eh? Lol.. Anyway, I was really afraid that it would be lame instead of funny. Thank goodness majority were laughing. Fiuh.. To me, it's mission accomplished. I don't care about the content and/or the grades whatsoever. To me, when it comes to performing of any sort, the main objective is to make the audience laugh :D

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