Thursday, August 5, 2010


This is long overdue haha.. But I have been planning to write a long essay about my thoughts and reflection after my Korea trip. It was quite a good trip and I learn to see things in a different light now. And I guess so far my life is not so bad afterall. Well perhaps it is still not an ideal, but it could have been worse.

About APPS
To be honest, it was quite a disappointment. I think I got nothing beneficial out of it. I also did make that many friends. Well my group was relative okay. The problem was the programme line-up was rather bad. What was the point of grouping us when most of the activities were not group-based? Oh well.. Anyway it was partly my fault also. I came with the wrong mindset: just go to enjoy Korea. Haha.. Anyway, I don't see what the point in making friends if after that there  is no more contact? Oh well, then I remember that sometimes God just place several people in our lives for just that short period of time. After that then life goes on as usual. Kinda ironic since I guess I make quite good friends with a few people there.. But oh well, that's reality of life. If the friendship continues, then it's good. If it doesn't, then it's okay. The memory stays. Haha..

APPS also made me realise that I am still proud being an Indonesian. I found it akward to say "I am from Singapore". I was more comfortable saying "I am from NUS" or "I am studying in Singapore but I am an Indonesian". Haha... Anyway the Indonesians made me proud with their items during international night. I think it is still the country with the richest culture in this part of the world hehe.. :)

It was also quite ironic that despite Singapore has only 1 organisation, we were the most 'separated' group. Yah, I guess pretty much the mindset of the people. Everyone just came for holiday. I found it ironic that people from other countries (and they were from different cities, different uni, etc) made friends with one another and were more united. I don't even know my juniors! Haha.. Oh well, cannot be bothered anyway. But it was kinda pathetic when someone asked "Ah do you know this person? He/she is in the same group?" then to answer "Erm.. I am not very sure who that is" and to be replied "Eh? I thought all of you are from the same uni". Haha..

About Pharmacy
As much as I hate the condition here, I guess it is not much different with other countries. It is like an international standard that nobody listens to pharmacists, especially in hospital. Even in the more  pharmaceutically advanced countries like Australia. Haha.. More surprisingly, South Korea already had a separation of prescribing and dispensing rights since 1990s! Wow.. Really unexpected for an Asian country to do such thing. It is really interesting to find how they can convince and change the Asians "doctor is the best" mindset. But hey, I think Singapore should not fight for that. Why? Because there is no point of separating here. Separation only benefits the retail pharmacies and retail sector has not much room to grow here anyway. Haha.. And with separation of the rights, there is a problem currently: doctors insist that only drugs in the script are to be dispensed. Meaning if a doctor wrote a particular brand name, pharmacists should not offer generic bla bla bla.. To the countries who yet to separate the rights, they should foresee this problem and start tackling this first eh??

And no matter what, to improve the image of the profession, I still think that community is still the best avenue! Haha.. Unfortunately, many are more interested in doing clinical stuff in hospital. Yeah there is more prestige bla bla bla, but what's the point of hiding comfortably there? Public don't see what you do and don't see your relevance! So please! If you want people to know/be aware/respect, go do community! Then people directly know how you help them with minor ailments and drug info bla bla bla. It's rubbish to do awareness campaign once a year then hide in the hospital for the rest of 364 days.. And that's the first step to convince the public of pharmacists role and capabilities. After then can talk about separation rights.. or getting some prescribing rights bla bla bla.. Otherwise, just dream on~~~

About Korea
I think Korea is a very interesting and advanced. Their trains ran very fast (when I saw the scenery, I would get dizzy because the trains moved faster than my eyes focused on an object) and I wonder whether the MRT here will ever operate at such speed. Haha.. But then during their peak time, the crowds were crazy. It was nothing like in Singapore! It was really body to body contact! Perhaps as bad as Japan? Lol.. Anyway, as gracious as the Koreans are (they actually form queue at the carriage doors during peak hours), once the doors open, they become vicious too. I was quite shocked because during one occasion, I was already like the last person against the door. A few seconds later, guess what, I was pushed and 2 more people managed to squeeze behind me.. Crazy! Phew... still, it is a good eye opener that the human traffic jam in Singapore is not that bad.. But well, I think here has more disgusting odours.. so yeah, even without close body contact, the MRTs are already quite sickening during peak hour.

The announcement in the buses and trains (at least in Seoul) is in English and in Korean. In Busan, some train stations have announcement in Mandarin and Japanese too! Wow... Yeah, this makes it very friendly for foreigners. The irony is: only the minority understands English in Korea. So it is like imagine in Singapore, suddenly there are announcement in French or some other languages that is not normally used. Must create a lot of unhappiness and akwardness among the locals I guess.

I also like the weather. It is hot because it is summer now. The sun is scorching but I don't sweat! That's why I like it.

Overall, Korea is a good place ^^ Lol.. I don't mind staying there. I only have 2 biiig issues. Firstly: they hardly speak English! Ouch.. If English is more commonly used there, I am sure the nation can advance even more rapidly since it would become even easier for expats to move in. Secondly: the food. Haha.. I just cannot take in all the vegies.. and to be honest, it is quite boring. Go to every different places and it is still the same food! Lol..

I would definitely love to come back to Korea. There are so many places that I have yet to visit: Jeju Island, Lotte World, Everland, Shooting places of Winter Sonata and Daejanggum, Fortress, etc. Sigh.. Perhaps in winter next time then?? Haha then I can experience snow as well as skiing or snowboarding. Must be cool! Haha..

About my own life
I have been cursing my own life so far. Haha but after comparing with other people, I guess mine is not that bad after all. My Malaysian friend dreaded the thoughts of serving his 3-year bond in some forest/jungle that he has no say in choosing. I dreaded the thought of serving my 3-year bond which will hinder me from pursuing higher education or going elsewhere. Lol.. Coming to salary, his pay would be 1/2 of mine. But I complained that I got so much also I had nothing to spend on here! Haha.. The hospitals there are not as modern but I find that Malaysia has many more opportunities for industry!! The grass is always greener on the other side eh? Haha...

I feel so stupid and self-inadequate as a final year pharmacy student. Well, seeing people from other countries, it seems that everyone is equally inadequate. I guess most of the knowledge will be learnt through working experience though.  However, I applaud students from other countries for their bravery and enthusiasm, especially those from non-English speaking countries. It must not be easy for them during the patient counselling stuff.

At Busan, I stayed at my friend's place. She is already working. Pay-wise I guess it would be roughly the same as what I would get. But seeing her place, haiz..., I feel so lucky. I think with the same rental fee, I can get a better QOL here lol.. No offense but that is really my personal opinion.

So as much as I hate my own life, perhaps this trip has opened my eyes. Things could be worse... of course things could be better too... There are always things to be grateful for and there are always things to dream of too ^^

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