Friday, August 13, 2010

Last 2 weeks of holidays

Waaa I am late late late in updating my blog. Haha.. My new semester has begun! And I am still talking about my holidays here. Lol.. Basically after coming back from Korea, I had about 2 weeks left of my holiday. I think I was not being myself in these last 2 weeks. I am still in my touristy mood and I spent more than normally in Singapore haha..

Firstly, let me talk about movies. Yeah, when I came back, Nodame Cantabile movie: The Finale was already out. I watched that and as expected, it was kind of disappointing ending for such a nice series so far. The love story was pretty good (at one point of time, I was thinking that it would be nice to have a girlfriend too T_T) but the music and the songs were not of my taste. To make things worse, the humor was kinda lame.. Basically it failed to be on par with the first movie ba...

On another day, I had a movie marathon: The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Despicable Me, and Inception. The Sorcerer's Apprentice was not as bad as expected. My friend warned me not to watch that but I thought it was quite enjoyable. Kinda hate the main guy though.. and I think Percy Jackson was more entertaining and action-packed lol. Despicable Me was a disappointment. My friend insisted on me watching it because it was funny. To me, it was lame.. and story-wise: it was kinda pointless.. The highlight was Inception. It was really a genius piece of work. I expected to be lost and could not understand the story or caught the conversation. I did pretty well though. Haha.. The action was pretty cool but the best for me was the theme! Wow.. It was really cool to be playing with dreams, considering I am someone who often experiences vivid dreams. It is quite true that everytime we 'die' in our dream, we will wake up! Lol.. But in the movie, pain won't wake the people. For me, I wake up due to pain eg: when I dream of a dog biting my ass. Lol.. Still, it was a great show!! 

Secondly, there was matric fair. Hoho it was quite interesting ba.. But it was not like what I visualised. Lol.. Like hardly anybody was interested in my CCA so I was there really just to be there o_0 Well seeing some of the CCAs made me thinking of joining a sporty CCA since I don't need to focus on points anywhere. Oh well, I am still not that lucky. This is the 7th semester that my timetable will be clashing with archery!! Sigh.. Ah the only interesting thing about matric fair was there was this guy interviewing me about some financial advisory stuff. Not that I find the interview was interesting, the interesting was that this guy actually remembered me! Haha.. When I came in for the second day (which was actually 3 days after I was interviewed), he still remembered me and actually said "Woa everytime I see you, you are carrying different things". Lol.. Ok la... Not important but I think it was quite nice of him to still acknowledge me. He could just have not given me a damn, after he got my survey form already ma =x

Next thing was HANDPHONE! But this would be a very looong story haha.. So I think I will write in a separate post.. Perhaps I end this post with my happiness that I was spared from moving to a new room this time around! Hehe.. Sooo lucky and sooo happy! It saved me one day of moving out and moving in. Lol

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