Saturday, April 10, 2010

Stupid asses..

Everyone is stupid!! And that is very very very stupidly irritating!! AAAAAaaargh...

I spent the last week preparing for 2 stupid tests yesterday. Sigh.. Anyway before I go on to talk abou the test, I am very upset and disappointed with the CA2 results gosh! I didn't expect to do so well but I didn't expect to do that badly either! Haiz.. stupid me!! Damn.. Yesterday was more irritating. I kinda expect that one of the writing questions would be on Dawn Syndrome, Somogyi Effect, Diabetic Ketoacidosis or Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic state because it is a trend that we are always asked stupid questions for the short answer. Unfortunately, I felt that the first two would be more likely to come out.. Urgh.. I was WRONG! What came out was the latter two. Even though I did prepare for them, I was not fully prepared. Gosh.. Anyways I hardly remember anything for pharmacotherapy and after the CA2 results like that, I am like anything anything la..

PK test was even more stupid o_0 The first few question are direct copy paste from the notes. So what is the freaking use of the test? Bleah.. Another stupid questions follow on the data analysis. I am pretty sure that most people would just ignore the yakking of the stupid teacher during the data analysis. So purely tikam and again, it's stupid to test on such thing. The last few questions were the most ultimate stupidity!! We were expected to do MCQ questions (and with the last option as NONE OF THE ABOVE) where the questions require us to draw best-fit curve! Oh fuck! I think the teacher is just too stupid. Everyone would estimate differently and there is no way we could get exactly the numbers in the options. So are we expected to round off? Or are we expected to choose the "None of the above"?? Plain stupid test..

PK prac report is postponed and that's not a reason for a celebration. Thanks to some stupid asses who spoke to the teacher, now we are expected to have more data. With that, it's like 50% of the effort to discuss the results is wasted because now the whole results for one experiment will be totally new. So yah now everyone cannot proceed because we need to wait for all the results. I sincerely hope they wait loong loong loong haha.. and still get incomplete set. The level of kiasu-ness is just disgusting. It's just for a freaking lab report so why on earth people went to say "Some people who were supposed to give results never gave results so we could not proceed". And guess what, thanks to your "supposedly smart action", it turned out to be a disaster when the teacher finally decided upon "use all your results no matter how good or how bad they are". Eat that you shit heads! To rub salts in the wounds, some people actually made ammendments to the experiment which we thought were already okay since last week.. Jeeez... seriously stupidity beyond imagination! But still to me, the utmost stupidity lies on the freaking fucks who made the deadline extended.. People have more time scrutinise the readings and see the shit we are in right now..

I am getting more and more disillusioned with the state of education I am in.. Some of the teachers are like -_-.. All the students are -_-.. Sigh.. reality check la.. no wonder all these suckers would just be stuck at hospitals and retails.. Bleah.. I went to life science career fair today and I really really really regret not choosing engineering! Sigh.. My qualification is deemed for "end products" only, not really suited for "manuFUCKturing process". Sigh.. It has always been my dream to work office job or in a manufacturing plant T_T Looks like there's no way I can realise it.. I will have to choose among facing stupid customers in retail, facing stupid+kiasu fellow health professionals as well as stupid people in hospitals, doing stupid experiments in research, or educate the stupid minds of the young in academia. It's like having to choose between hanging myself, drinking baygon, slitting my throat or jumping down from high storey buildings to choose my death.. Anyways, perhaps all the kiasu stupid shit in my class should think about life beyond school. There is simply no point of behaving the way they are now if eventually they can't even do anything in the face of scolding customers, or they can't even stand eye-to-eye with doctors and fight for the freaking sole dispensing rights whatsoever or they can't do proper research (they can't even FAKE properly now!), or they would just be equally stupid as the educators we have now.

One of my modules is categorised as "open-book". But unfortunately, due to the stupid and narrow-minded minds of people in my faculty where we never ever have any "open-book" modules, the teacher cannot even freaking understand the definition of an open book exam. Sigh.. Anyway the open book meant is writing a cheat sheet. Well, that's perfectly fine because many other exams are doing the same thing. But that perfection turns to a perfect stupidity now: we can only write in the paper provided by the school (ouch!) and we are supposed to pass it before the exam and we will get it when the paper starts (WTF!). So basically that just screws up my study plan. And I seriously don't understand what is the point of passing up the so-called cheat sheet. Can't they check on the exam day to check whether everyone indeed bringing 1 piece of paper? Sigh.. And what is so special about that green paper? Sigh... As if when students are using their own papers, their papers have special quality I don't know what.. Haiz.. This just shows either the narrow-minded thinking since they never experience what is open book exam before or the arrogance that as future professionals, we are expected to memorise every single shit in our head, that cheat sheet whatever is a shame for the profession yada yada yada... of how lowly the teacher thinks of the students that we will abuse the opportunity of this cheat sheet thingy..

People should use their common sense more... more than their brains.. haiz.. But then, my education has slaughtered not only our neurons.. it also numbs common sense and humanity.. So what's left with the so-called professionalism??

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