Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April

Happy Birthday to me~~~~
Happy Birthday to me~~~~
Happy Birthday to myself~~~
Happy Birthday to me!!!

Yup.. I am 23 years old today! So old.. Since it is a happy occassion I will try to write in a more positive mood today :D Save the bad things for tomorrow okay haha :D

Firstly I would like to say that I am really really touched by the number of birthday wishes that I received at facebook. They are just overwhelming. I think I am always an emo person, an antisocial, a person who is lazy to send a birthday wish via facebook, and someone who cannot be bothered to send birthday wish to people I am not very close to. Well, but to be honest, while I am happy that people are still caring to me, I rather that some people do not send me a birthday wish at all. Haha.. I have no idea what to reply to these people other than "thanks" or something along that line. To me, it's just weird, why are you wishing me birthday while we never even talk face to face in real life? Lol.. But I am seriously touched and sincerely wanna say thanks :) Last year, I didn't get this many wishes.. But then, last year I was sharing the limelight with Jesus' ressurection so of course I could not beat him rite :p LOL

My irritation for PK lab aside (save it for tomorrow), I did not expect that my group mates would buy me a cake and sing birthday song for me. Lol.. Again, I am very touched. And the oreo cheesecake is good :) Though I don't like oreo, I love cheesecake!! Lol.. In the evening, I had a celebration with my juniors. Wow.. thanks a lot.. They all look damn tired after their stretch of 6hours lecture. The mud pie/cake was good but it was too big! Lol.. I hardly could finish it.

I guess that's all for today. I will reserve the contrasting story for tomorrow: illnesses, hair disaster, work, lab, etc...

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