Monday, April 19, 2010

Random blabbers...

I am feeling rather emo nowadays. The weather has been lousy or it is just my body which is feeling lousy. It rains quite often lately but I still feel very warm. I always wake up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty/dry, and sometimes worse, I will have a full bladder (thanks to drinking a lot before bedtime which is again because of the lousy weather).

I am also losing my appetite. I cannot count how many non-rice meals that I have. I am bored with the food at PGP. I am bored with the food at schools too. Even Subway and McDonalds, I guess I ate them very often this sem as compared to previous sems. I don't know why.. Perhaps it is one of the reason I am feeling lousy (or is it the other way around?).

Anyway I just got my medical check up results. Nothing bad actually. However, my HDL is still not >1.6.. And my LDL is really borderline 2.5xxxxx. Bleah.. Must think about food now :( As I age, I'm sure the values will deviate further from the ideals.. So must start thinking about them before too late..

While talking about body, let me talk about my HAIR! It's terrible. Sigh.. My mum always compliments my hair for being thick.. Maybe thick hair is a good think for females.. But for me, it is a disaster. My hair is too thick and too stiff that I cannot use wax to style it sigh :( No matter how much I put, gravity force is tougher and always pulls my hair down =( When I tried it, my friends said it looked worse and funny as if I got up from the wrong side of the bed. Oh scram!

Oh ya, the last time I worked, it was for a Malay show. Thus, I gave the announcement through the PA system cos people could not pronounce the name. Lol.. I think now I am getting better at it :p though of course my diction is not good yet. Anyway I don't know why at that time my breathing was laboured sigh.. At every pause, I could hear my breath through the PA system (sounded disgusting). Haiz.. I am dying dying dying..

Aaah I am glad that I got accomodation for next year. Yep.. that ends all my CCA journey hehe.. The cut off this year was rather high and many didn't make it. Well, to be honest I kinda bad and feel happy (instead of sorry for some people). I guess that's a very good lessons for slackers and cca point leechers lor..

I also want to change phone!! Bleah.. The price of the Satio has not dropped yet. Urgh!! Then 2 days ago, I met a friend who tempted me for iPhone.. Well, now I feel like having iPhone for internet, Blackberry for the keypad (not touch screen), and Satio for its camera.. But lo and behold, my sister said Blackberry must be charged daily (so must iPhone!). But iPhone is still the best! The battery cannot be changed!! Wow.. I guess I will strike off these 2 liao.. My bigger concern is for the provider.. I wanna change to Singtel already.. For the same monthly billing plan, Singtel's phones are >$100 cheaper than M1. Bleah.. My concern (as usual) is regarding keeping my old number!! Bah.. I am waiting for replies from both providers to see how. I even act thick-skinned to ask M1 for any voucher or I will change provider since it just makes no sense to stay with them (same monthly bill but phones are much more ex!).

I finished writing cheat sheet for Law. Sigh.. I feel like cursing and shouting and screaming. It is so troublesome to write. But well, at least it is a pseudo-open book this year.. at least now I don't have to memorise everything.. yup just the last 2.5 sets of notes.. Thus, I think I should be grateful instead of complaining!! Now more or less 3 more modules to prepare. The exam dates are pretty well-spaced so I really hope I can manage my time well and no last minute stress..

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