Friday, April 16, 2010

GEM 2507: Physical Questions from Everyday Life

Wew.. the final test was rather disastrous. I got about 20 marks (out of 50) completely wrong. Sigh.. I misunderstood the relativity question because time should dilate but my interpretation of the question was that the time shrinks =( So I have to skip that one.. The Turing question was also misinterpreted. I don't know what the question wants. But the last question was the sad part =( I nearly nailed it! But the "near" is still too far for me to get that 9 marks.. So yeah, that's like 9+7+5 = 21 marks gone.. Bleah.. I hope I still can get S le... Thus my only hope is to wish that other people are doing badly too and let the bellcurve save me.. Hehe.. Must be optimistic right??? Err.. actually I am quite emo on this..

Anyways, overall I think this module is good. I learn more interesting things about daily life such as: there is a physics theory which predicts alien civilisation out there (but we cannot see them since any travel between any civilisation will take millions of light years.. that is like how many generation of human life), there is cellular automaton to explain the various intricate patterns found in daily lifes (such as patterns of plants, vegetables, shells), how gecko feet involves nanotechnology (isn't that a big W.O.W??), and many other interesting things.

When the first time I see the module, I thought this was great since there was a mix of physics, chem, bio, computing, etc. But now I come to hate it. Lol.. I feel cheated (and somehow surprised) that for every chemistry, biology, and computing things, they all can be related (and governed) by some law of physics!! Yaiks!! Since I suck in physics, that is not a good news haha.. But in all, I enjoy this module: I only attended 2 lectures, there is no notes, I didn't buy the textbook (thank God I managed to borrow RBR book for 3 tests!! and in all only paid $1 for the fine I incurred today), and I got fullmarks for the second test! Lol. How rare it is for me in university especially..

So.. I just hope that I can get enough to S it.. And there it is, NO MORE ELECTIVE for me MWAHAHAHAHA...

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