Thursday, July 23, 2009

Last 7 days

Haiz.. it will the final 7 days of my holidays. Next thursday, I have to fly back to Singapore T_T I kind of regret of coming back before week 0. I should come back in the middle of week 0 instead. The only thing that makes me eager to go back next week is: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I hate watching cinema in Indonesia so I guess 2 weeks late in Singapore (in some tiny cinema) will still be better. The trailer is just damn good. And I heard that it already broke some record previously held by Spiderman. Lol.. I did some research. Some love it and some hate it. Lovers say the battle scenes are awesome and by far is the best movie from the series. Haters say too many lovey dovey boring scenes, the final battle is changed to the Burrow instead of in Hogwarts, and lastly, the most disappointing of all, the death of Dumbledore is disappointing. Considering it is still the same director from previous movie, I can imagine how disappointing the death scene will be. Thus, the final verdict is: I will be disappointed. But still, I am gonna watch it. Haha..

I find it amusing to find my batch mates in JC (of course I am referring to the boys) have now become my grand juniors in university. More amusingly when I see there are at least 2 of them are in pharmacy too.. And that is partly because of my views on pharmacy that made them change their minds from their first choice. I hope they will enjoy and have a bright future on pharmacy. Personally I feel quite guilty since I find my future is also quite jialat.. Haiz.. at least I did warn them, pharmacy has a very bright future in other countries, but not in Singapore. Haha..

That's all from me today :)

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