Tuesday, July 28, 2009

48 hours..

I have less than 48hours left before my return to the reality of harsh school life.. Haiz.. I am getting lazy to do anything.. even though I have to make the best use of the last few hours.. I shall leave the packing for tonight..

I guess I will not be practising my driving anymore this holidays. Last Sunday was my first time to go out to the main road using my own car. Haha.. Thank God nothing bad happened.. My confidence improved a little bit only. I still have much to learn before I really can drive T_T And I am simply losing too much time... for I can only practice for few days in 1 year.. wth.. Anyway I was so pissed with my father. The older he gets, the whiner he becomes.. He nagged and nagged and nagged and that really made me sian.. Everyone has their own style of driving and I hate to be told to be fast or slow.. Well it is more of the fast part.. Usually I drive quite slowly because I am lazy to switch the gear before turning.. Oh well bottom line is: everyone has their own style of driving! Geez..

This holidays have been different from previous holidays.. After 1 year away, I realised that I missed home so much.. And 1 month passed by so quickly.. With the new, unlimited, and faster (although not so fast) internet connection, I spent most of my holidays on Cabal. Haha.. Not much different with staying in Singapore.. Poor me.. My Desperate Housewives only proceeds like 8 episodes. Haha.. I will have to bring back the dvds with me.. It's my consolation when stupid PGP connection got problems.. I did not touch my PSX at all and my plan to watch Saint Seiya Asgard episodes also failed.. The worst is: I am so lazy to clean my toy cupboard.. Next time I come back, it will be 1.5years worth of dust. Lol...

So what am I doing in a mean time? My packing is like 60% done.. I need to wait my clothes to be ironed today and I can completely pack everything tomorrow. I finished reading Harry Potter 6 and yeah basically there is nothing I will do already. Haha.. I am kinda following this local TV show called Missing Lyrics.. It is an imitation of Don't Forget the Lyrics.. but it has been modified and made more difficult (guessing 11+ words is certainly crazy!). My sis said with the original format, someone won the grand prize already so they make it more difficult. So sad youtube does not have that episode.. I would love to watch :)

I just get an income boost. Haha.. On the last week unfortunately.. I feel like a rich guy! But there is nothing else to spend.. I spent quite a lot on my Tiger's Eyes and shared-with-my-sis Aquamarine stuff..

And to close with a sad news.. I am getting fat again! No exercise on these last few days.. And a relative just gave a giant damn-nice chocolate cake! Haiz.. Must exercise in Singapore liao.. no choice or I will be a rice sack soon.

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