Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hmm.. it has almost been 2 weeks.. I have been lazy to write.. or simply because I am just to stupid to burn all my time to play games.. The past few weeks had been terrible for me.. I don't know why I am being sooo unlucky lately..

First giant unlucky event which happened was my vacation room which had a non-working fan. I was damn pissed that they dared to call me to inform "Your room is ready" when the fan was dead. Wtf!! I was so angry that I went down to OSA to complain. Lucky it worked :) Next time I need to complain I would just go directly to OSA. PGP is just damn full of fucked up people. This cannot and that cannot and all are lies.. I felt quite bad to scold (the wrong) people, but I was so angry that I really lost control. After 1 night of getting heat rash thanks to the dumb temporary fan, I managed to move to my room. It was a blessing that my friend was checking out on the next day that I could take over his room (just 2 level above the damn room). Initially I was allocated a room at the other end of PGP and I was ready with my amunition to scold them again. After I shifted everything now they told me I could get another room at the opposite end. Well, that's over liao..

Work is also getting worse. Haha.. I guess I am just damn lazy and unmotivated. I think even my preceptor can sense and start to feel irritated with my low quality work, my low enthusiasm, and my I-don't-care attitude. Haiz.. who cares ba.. last 2.5 weeks.. and now I have to start focusing to clear my assignments. And guess what happen? I defrag-ed my laptop and my microsoft office became disfunctional. Wow.. Had to re-install and re-update and wasted time all the way to 2am+.. Hopefully it works well now.. I need to finish my PIL by tomorrow preferably.

All the defrag was initiated because I was desperate to play Cabal. Geez.. I am getting very pissed with the game.. It's time to say goodbye I think.. The fuck internet or the fuck laptop really made the game unplayable. Fuck..

Then came my neck strain.. I don't know whether it is because of work, or is it because the new chair in my new room is of different height from my old chair. I went to UHWC and bloody shit.. I was not given an MC. What the fuck la.. Ass hole.. really!

Haiz.. tired liao complain complain complain.. Ironically the only good thing this week is my results.. I am very much surprised and happy with my PR3107.. But the big ball of shit (as expected) was from pharmaco.. Oh well.. I guess no free 8 points for next year.. and no more PGP for my year 4. La la la...

The latest music which keeps my spirit high in the past tough few days :D

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