Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Geez.. I had an awful today. The locum was a naggy old man. I cannot believe it.. He nagged nagged and nagged.. Firstly he nagged about the fact that the preceptorship is during the holiday. Then he nagged about the delivery man when goods came. Then he kept on nagging and nagging about costumers who treated pharmacists as one of salespersons. He was particularly damn irritated with people asking "where is the mask?" when the bloody masks were just in front of the pharmacy counter. How the hell they could not see that lol.. He also nagged about the fact that pharmacist is the ONLY professional working in retail.. (How true!!). He also nagged about sticking labels etc etc.. Sigh.. I was so bloody pissed that I was really tempted to just being rude.. So tiring to put on fake smile and pretended as if I was interested to whatever he had to nag. I hope I won't be like him when I grow old.. And to the nearer future, I hope my father will not be like him.

Though most of his nagging is true, I am simply impressed and agreeable with his despise towards this stupid programme. Funnily, he seems to be more irritated than me (who is directly in this shit). He mentioned about students' life and holidays only happen when you are a student.. and after finishing school you can work your ass of until the day you sleep in your coffin (obviously this is not his phrasing). He was also bloody shocked when he knew I only got $5 per DAY and I still had to pay hostel fee. His biggest irritation, though, was the fact that they send half-baked students which is as good as useless.. Don't know the law, don't know the mechanism, don't know everything.. Well, it's damn bloody true.. I guess my prescence there is a shame.. People ask anything I also don't know.. Even if I know, I have to say "Sorry.. I am only a student.. Please wait while I call the pharmacist".. Seriously if I am a member of public, I will think "Then why the hell are you behind the counter?".

An experience today: a guy (roughly my age) had a problem with this lips and the locum suggested a medicated lipbalm. Tadaa.. he could not find it.. and he asked me to help him... What a great choice because I also dunno where the lipbalms are wakaka.. I asked a saleswoman and she showed me.. I nearly died when I saw so many lipbalms so which is the medicated one.. I never know there is such lipbalm. After I browsed through, I gave him Sebamed lipbalm (the one sound most medicated lol) and told him to check with the pharmacist because I am only a student. He said: Wah I thought you are the pharmacist (OMG!! At least I look like a pharmacist wakakaka).. And as expected, I took the wrong thing.. Guess what? The correct lipbalm the just EXACTLY NEXT to the one I took. ALamaks.. Damn paiseh.. But I said sorry and the guys said it was okay. I think he was amused also haha.. Nice guy.. Because he is an indonesian mah hahaha... (I can tell from his accent).

Grr.. I really hate this stupid preceptorshi*. I cannot do anything.. just simply tag along my preceptor.. So what the hell must I be there? Is it useful? Yes to a very certain extent. But unfortunately, I don't see myself doing retail or (worse) hospital in my future.. So learning something which I won't use in the future is as good as useless.. What do I get? Knowledge that I will forget in the near future? Negative balance in my bank account? Calluses on my feet? Wow.. this programme is so damn beneficial.. I dunno who came out with this indigenious ideas.. Rot in hell you bloody shit..

Haiz.. lighter matter now.. I am into WaT songs lately. Haha.. It all started with the video below.

Cute right? Haha...

I cannot find this version anywhere :( Listening to the voice only is good.. but eye pain seeing the act cute girls aiyer...

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