Tuesday, April 28, 2009

PR 3107: Pharmacy Practice II; PR 2105: Pharmaceutical Microbiology

PR 3107 - Pharmacy Practice II
Huhuhu... The test was a proof that my brain just sucks in memorising. So many marks were wasted because my memory failed me.. The first 15+ questions were disastrous. I only could answer 5 out of the first 19 questions. Haiz haiz.. The rest was like I never saw before. The few that I knew such as the Peak Flow Meter was forgotten :'( I thought the trap was at the standing up or sit.. And I don't know why I remembered the wrong thing (breathe in then slide down..) although I knew it didn't make sense.. Oh wells...

The flu section was disastrous. I made a fatal error of forgetting 1 class of cough medication. Haiz.. I forgot about expectorant T_T I think all the cough section is gone already.. Sigh.. still, I am thankful that it didn't come out in the section B.. Otherwise I am sooo dead.

I made another fatal error by missing out an important line: XXX has no other medical conditions. Sigh.. I realised that 2 minutes before times up. Mental block was up and I could think of other question to ask the patient.. I recommended Fleet Phospho Soda but I also could not recall how to prepare it.. Haiz..

Conclusion: I just suck in Pharmacy.. I cannot bloody remember things and I will never be able to remember on what to counsel.. Damn la.. So sad.. Now even B+ may not be possible..

PR 2105 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
It was a direct regurgitation. Thank God that Cabal maintenance was stretched.. And I could finish the Kelsey-Syke.. The MCQ was not too bad so I suppose everyone would do very well also. And I would be in a disadvantage again.. Because I could not do the first structured question. Bloody fucking shit la.. For a topic which constitutes less than 10% of the whole module, how can it make 25% of the whole paper.. The fungi notes is just so empty and lack of information so how the hell I can crap so much?? I only wrote half of what I wrote for question 2.. Haiz.. Maybe cannot even get 10 out of 25.. Sucks la.. I curse the person to burn in hell..

Oh man.. I should be preparing for biotech instead of slacking -_-

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