Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Fool

Waa.. I slacked (played game) more than I studied today.. I intended on re-reading biotech one more time tonight or reading law and diarrhea/constipation notes but obviously I did none. I only managed to re-read 1 set of biotech notes. Haiz.. What my friend told me yesterday is true, it feels better reading it for the second time. But still, there is just too much info to memorise. And I can't memorise.. The final few sets of biotech was read more in a hurried manner, especially the last one. I totally don't know what is going on. Sigh..

I know that I can do better if I were to invest more time in mugging. But I am just too lazy. How foolish is that? Still being so foolish even after knowing own foolishness.

Microbio self-pawn learning results are out. I have to say I am totally shocked that I got so high. And I didn't prepare for them at all. How good will it be if my shooting skills are that good for REAL exams.. But obviously, that is not gonna happen. That's the irony.. when I have more things to consider before tikam, I tikam wrongly.. When I have nothing to consider, can tikam correctly..

I see a light.. a possibilty.. of getting an A for microbio. So shall I read that again?? And shall I read biotech, which is still very open to get an A-, again? Haiz.. Pharm Prac is totally hopeless already.. The thought of mugging it for 4 days to dream on getting good grade for it is just plain dumb--stupid--foolish..

BleaH I shall sleep earlier today.. I hope I will not make a foolish decision on what to study tomorrow...

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