Thursday, December 4, 2008

PR 2103: Pharmacostatistics

Haha 2 days late but never mind... The paper was quite random. Some questions were too long and anyway I did not know the answer so I just anyhow whacked (only A or B, 50% chance of hitting the correct one). I am just glad that the last question I was right to use Fischer's Exact Test. Was not really sure actually. The Chi Square was a bit worrisome too. Well nevermind.. I am not confident with this paper or module. In fact, this whole sem is quite jilat. I am just glad that it is over. Looking back, it was really a tough busy hectic semester. Thank God that I managed to survive.

After the paper, my clique celebrated birthdays at Shokudo which basically is a Japanese Marche. The only thing worth mentioning is the Ice Kachang Greentea thingy. Lol. The green tea ice cream is nice. And the colour is GREEN!! Haha... My favourite. No link but oh well, PR2101 states that colour and preference are closely related for consumers. Haha...

1st day of holiday was used up for YEP stuff. Sigh.. From 930-1700, I was at school. Result: I felt a bit dizzy and headachy in the night. Now I wonder how I will survive on Saturday. 830-12200 at Singapore Indoor Stadium (excluding the travelling time). But glad that it was all over. The posters were not as bad as I expected. And I was glad that I learnt 3 things: 1) my weak wireless internet signal is most likely caused by my wireless mouse 2) how to use Paint to copy a certain colour (without wasting time and straining eyes adjusting 2 colours until they match) 3) perhaps I should get photoshop to aid me instead of using Paint. Haha...

At night it was confession. Haiz... Everything is rooted to my lack of prayer. I will listen to the pastor's advice and hopefully it is correct. Sigh... Kind of lazy to go but oh yeah.. definitely better after going. Playing cabal now.

Level 45 Wizard
Cool eh? Haha.. I cannot wait till I can equip my green attire. Then my wizard will be so cool. All green (including the hair!). Wohooo...

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