Monday, December 1, 2008

The Amazing Race

Aaargh... I cannot stop myself from writing about it. I am extremely sad with today's episode. I almost cried. The team I like lost and got eliminated today. Haiz... The mistake was that the guy left his passport and money inside the cab. The thing I could not believe was that the cameraman knew about it (and shot/zoomed towards the bag) without letting the guy know. I have to admire the team's determination though. They still pressed on and asked money from passerby-s. And I am honestly touched with the Moscow people. They gave them the money. How nice. And some of them are just like some teenagers and workers whose appearances do not show that they are from well to do background. Such generosity T_T Oh well, at least the team won once last week.

Anyway, next week is the finale of the Amazing Race. Even if there is a YEP meeting, I will skip it. I am not gonna sacrifice my show. Haha... I hope Ken and Tina will win. Even though Tina is very bossy and irritating, I love her not kiasu and helpful attitude. For the past few weeks, I had seen her help other groups 2 times. That was wow!! Nick and Starr won too often already la. They don't need to win already. Haha... Although I know they are very good. They are winning because they are good and not because the other groups are lousy.

Haiz... I am so dead for tomorrow's paper. On the left is the state of my notes on Sunday night. On the right is the state on this morning. Yeah.. My mind is currently as messy as the notes. Seriously... I do not understand what is going on. And I am very scared..

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