Sunday, February 24, 2008

True Love's Kiss

Huahaha... the title has nothing to do with what I am writing... I put that because of the Enchanted songs were played when I went to Icekimo after RCIY on Friday. Although the shop was obscured from the public view (the building where the shop is was under some construction work and hence the building was enclosed in black cloths everywhere), I was surprised that it was still open and people still come. It was good. Lol... They have really unique flavour. Well, I am in diet mode (and because I was treated, I decided not to be shameless and did not order so many) so that night I just had brownie and banana coffee crunch ice cream as topping. The ice cream tasted good :D

I went to Orchard after visiting dentist on Friday. Holy cow! There are so many things I want to buy. On top of the list is the new artbook of Kingdom Hearts. It costs $50. I have to wait for 20% discount (but I don't know when) because that means a $10 savings. Gosh... I also want Prince of Tennis 10.5 20.5 40.5. They are running out of stock T_T Haiz... I am in dillema whether I should wait in hope that the US publisher will translate or to buy. Even if I am buying, I don't know whether I should get the Chinese or the Japanese version. The Jap version is more original but I cannot read. The chinese version, hopefully I can read after I do 4 chinese modules. Lol...

Hmm.... so far I only managed to complete my gek readings. Project is still a LOOOONG way to to -_-! Code Geass is only episode 1. Chinese and LSM revision is still ??? Haiz... Moody moody...

My RCIY coordinators saw the wrong dates. Today should be the Rite of the First Scrutiny. So yeah... I missed that... I cannot wait till easter. Lol... I am surprised that for years I am fine with going church without getting communion. But nowadays, I am very agitated not to take... Faster come here 22nd of March!

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