Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually tired. I don't know whether it is because something is wrong with my body, or it is just that the current school life is taking its toll on me.

Today phsyio was just a total disaster. It was completely different with what I was expecting so of course I did very badly. I was preparing more of the clinical case (like last semester final paper) and not to be tested with nitty gritty details about all the little footnotes in the notes. Gosh... It was horrible... I could only do about 9 questions... The rest was pretty unsure as for each question, there were at least 2 of seemingly correct options. It was more disappointing to find out that I got some mistakes with questions which were just regurgitation from notes... Oh well...I am already prepared to fail but it is still heartbreaking. I did not put my best effort in mugging but still I put a huge effort (otherwise, I would not even be worried about the paper a few days before). Sigh...

Luckily Chinese quiz went pretty well. Yeah lucky that I did not forget anything (I hope I did not forget anything) but I still ave to prepare for speech for next time. This is gross. Very few words learnt and the topic is like: shopping. What the heck...

I am pretty sure that I am having more than enough sleep. However, I still feel very lethargic. It is worst when it comes to chinese lessons. The moment I step into the room, the drowsiness quickly sweeps over me. Haiz...

My eyes have problems my eyes have problems... My prayers are unanswered. I am already quite sick of praying... Hello.... Am I being listened?

Mid semester break is coming but I don't know whether I will enjoy it. There is a project to do, I must read the Chinese readings which are piling up, there are still 4 sets of gek readings to be read, and I plan to at least read LSM notes. I think go for the paper totally unprepared is a suicide because I would not even know where to flip. Haha...

Haiz... I am really feeling low and depressed.... Help.....

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