Thursday, January 24, 2008

New skills

I picked up new skills this week. The first one is in term of music. On Monday, I went for angklung practice. Hohoho as expected, it was pretty easy to play. It just the right shaking that I still could not master and thus I was not very confident to shake it. I was so lucky to take the A note as I thought it was the least played note. And yeah... it IS! There is one song that I only need to shake 3 notes only. Haha... There are 3 shows coming in a few weeks time but unfortunately I won't be playing for any. The first reason is that I am still new and not confident with my shaking and secondly the shows require full day rehearsal during school days when I have Chinese lessons. So it is just not possible for me to skip.

Talking about Chinese, week by week, I learn new words. But I never hear those words being used by my friends leh... I wonder why. Haha... Today I had my first tutorial and I have to say I successfully embarrassed myself. The most embarrassing one was the qi (7). I wanted to say it short, not too draggy, but it turned out to be the wrong tone. So I repeated with a big grin (I always laugh at my own mistakes) and anyway when you say qi your mouth widens in the way you smile, then the teacher said "That's correct! With the smile too.". What the....?!&!(@&!@^(*!
Then came the tone exercise. My weakest one is the 2nd tone. And everytime my turn came, it was always the word with the second tone. There is one word I am not really sure on how to pronounce: zhei so I pronounced it as chey! The teacher never made noise so I guess it should be fine.

The thing I hate is that everytime it was my turn to say, one guy always looked at me. I think I did the most number of mistakes and he was anticipating... Or maybe.... I am too cute to resist :p LOL LOL LOL.

Ah ya... GEK1001 sucks... It is a confirmed S/U! I wonder whether it is really a level 1000 module. And by its number, who would not expect that this module is the easiest among all arts gem rite? Haiz... Wrong module -_-

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