Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I feel amazingly lucky for the past few days. It has never been like this. I guess it is a good sign. I hope my luck strike will still continue on until the end of semester when exam comes as there will be a lot of MCQs and a lot of things to whack. Haha...

Ballot result was out on Monday and I have to thank God for saving me from troubles of appealing. I feel very lucky that I get all that I balloted. Only LSM1401 tutorial was given the most unfavourable time. But I guess it is better still to be given something than not at all like what happened to some people. I just hope my friends can get into the same time slot for GEK1001 so that I have someone to do project with.

PR1103 practical went quite smoothly too. The only irritating moment was when I had to retype and reprint the label for 4 times. Wth... Slow programme + stupid programme (what appears on the screen does not correspond to what is printed) + irritating young lady which not only has a 'slap me' look but also is not very helpful (i guess she is another 'gigi' in the making -_-). I still managed to finish so yah... no complain... It is the best practical so far as it is related to pharmacy practice in the future. Unlike last sem practicals which I found quite useless for the future.

VIRUS ALERT! Woah.. this one was super duper damn lucky. I almost (really really ALMOST) opened the virus chain mail via msn. Lucky I chose 'save' and not 'run' as I intended to scan it before I opened. LUCKY!

Okay, now comes the not so good ones...

The photo was damn dark. It looks as if the object was the shop decorations behind. Haha... I posted this because anyway cannot see my face. Too dark :p I regret that I did not take any narcist photo with my hair before I cut. This one looks pretty good but unfortunately to dark to be enjoyed as my collection :( Damn sad...

I quarreled with a friend yesterday. Haiz -_-! Not only I was ignored, the quarrel continued on. I don't wanna think about it anymore and about how annoying the 'do you even care?'. What the heck!

Yesterday I could not wake up and skipped lecture. It marked the first time I watched a webcast. Hey not bad... I feel that it is nicer to watch it than to attend the real one because: 1) it is shorter 2)no need to wake up early 3)can speed up up to 1.6x actual speed 4)can pause or repeat anytime i want. Yeah... Hurray to webcasting!!! It should be made compulsory for all modules!

Okay... I guess it is long enough for today. Maybe I will write again tomorrow :)

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