Monday, May 28, 2007

Curse of the Sleep

Last week was a very exhausting week. However, it still gave me a shock that on Saturday, I could not resist the urge to sleep at 10 pm. I don't think I ever slept that early in the past few years. That was okay. But yesterday, up to 5 pm in the afternoon, I was awake only for a total of 3 hours. That was a bit crazy. Even up to today, I am still feeling quite sleepy. I woke up at 5 am and I felt refreshed, but when I slept again, until now I am still feeling sleepy. Gosh... too much sleep is not very good for the body. I don't know how I will survive tonight to watch Desperate Housewives and Inuyasha. Tsk tsk tsk...

My free music course continues on and last Saturday was quite full of content. From the relative major and relative minor (1.5 intervals up and down respectively) as well as sus. Phew... a long way to go. I wonder what I had learnt in my 12 years plus of music lessons in Indonesia. I play suckily and theoritically, I am also not good. Waste of money and I am just purely talentless.

It is already a school holiday and I am pretty surprised (and happy) to find that the computer stations in the library is quite empty. Yihaa... Though the road is already quite crowded (not surprising because the Great Singapore Sale started last Friday). I am yet to find any good bargain. Hehehe... And the good thing is that from 31st May onwards, it will be Toys Fair at Taka B2 square. Oh yeah... I have been waiting for this for months and I hope I can get the toys collections that I have missed (with a very cheap price too of course).

Eh how come today the blogger does not auto save??? I thought it was a new feature. Hehehe... It's okay. The auto-save is quite irritating, I think.

Spiderman is just not my film. This is the second time I wanted to watch it but when the planned day come, I feel lazy. I guess I will just give it a pass. This Thursday will be reserved for Shrek 3 and I hope that it will be lame, funny, entertaining, and not cheat my money. After that... I am really bored. There won't be any good film until mid June (Fantastic Four) and July (Harry Potter... and of course the book too).

Boring boring boring... I hate waiting... No info about scholarship... Must wait until medical check up so that I can go home... Ah this sucks sucks sucks!!!!!!!!!

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