Friday, May 25, 2007

Now I remember

Now I remember what I wanted to write yesterday. Haha.. It is about A.I. Not artificial intelligence but American Idol. Phew...the final sucked. It was a shame that Blake was in the final. There is no way that he could outperform Jordin. So it was not surprising when the result was announced. It should have been Melinda. Then the final would be more interesting and the announcement of the result would be more exciting because both Melinda and Jordin have great voice and both have equal chance to win. Too bad... Too bad...

I borrowed Ranma 1/2 yesterday. I thought it would be a crappy series but hey... though it is lame etc... I like it. I will borrow some more. Hahaha.. The Suikoden 3 is also nice and I hope the next time I go to Orchard Library, there will be the other volumes.

Letter from NUS came yesterday and CRAZY!!! There are so many things to do. I am so confused with the so many information given...and must do this must do that.. I don't know what to say but all the procedures are too troublesome and time-wasting. I think I shall read it carefully only on Sunday night. I am too tired this week. Ahh... I am still hearing nothing about scholarship and the information that there will more letters to be sent for this and that just make my head wants to explode. I am so lazy to go back to my old rental place so often because the walking distance is pretty far. Haiz...

I could not understand what was going on in Pirates. That happened for the second one and I thought since I had watch the second one, I would understand this better. But there was no difference. Who the hell is the calyso and how can she change into crabs?? How does Will lift of the curse from the Dutchman?? Though the action scenes are cool (thanks to the great music that creates very exciting atmosphere), I am disappointed that the final battle is only one-on-one ship battle. The rest of the pirate lords and EIC ships just do nothing. So stupid.. DISAPPOINTING!!! I hope Shrek 3 will be better... 31st of May aka next Thursday

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