Friday, July 28, 2023

Scary calories

It seems that I am lighter in the morning because my weighing machine hit 59 kg this morning! Yay. Though I am now 60 kg, I am happy that there is still chance for me to go under 60 kg to eventually reach my 53-55 kg goal. I already blew it away by celebrating with an ice yuan yang.

The temptations do not end there. With 3 Kettle for $11+ promo is still on going until 2 Aug, Cold Storage adds 2 Ruffles for $8.80 promo too. Gosh! What stopped me in the end was the realisation of how much calories these junk food contain. A bag of these 140g+ potato chips contains almost 800 kcal while a bottle of my favourite mocha drink has slightly more than 300 kcal. Compare that to 200 kcal for 2 bananas for dinner, it is not a surprise how I manage to pile up so much weight.

The temptations are getting worse because I am even looking at alternatives now. At the top of the list is sour cream Calbee. After resisting Cold Storage earlier, I decided to buy at mamashop near my place but God saved me. The mamashop currently only has the hot and spicy flavour which I do not like. Heng ah!

Nevertheless, I have accept that my weight loss is slowing down. I was 61 kg at the start of July and it is impossible to reach my 58 kg goal by month end which is only 3 days away. Haiz. But something positive comes from me blogging this. I finally learn the difference between Calorie (with capital C) vs calorie vs kcal (kilocalorie). The one with capital C is actually the same as kcal. There goes my confusion because kcal is supposed to be 1000 cal. It is just a matter of big or small C.

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