Saturday, July 1, 2023

Cutting some slack

I was 1 kg under meeting my weight loss goal last week. I decided to cut myself some slack this week since losing 7 kg in 3 months is not bad after all. Clearly that was not a wise decision because I end up gaining 1 kg at the end of the week. Sigh.. It is gonna be tough to aim for another 9 kg in the next 3 months. Unexpectedly, I am not haunted by the desire for more Kettles and bottled drinks. In fact, I did not especially look out for them and merely bought Kettles because of the ongoing promotion and bought bottled drinks when I had extra coins. I am quite confident to revert to the discipline again will not be as hard as when I started avoiding them initially.

Another reason for cutting some slack this week is because I had 4 church gatherings in the past 5 days which meant that I would be eating more my usual dinner anyway. On Tuesday, I was asked for a dinner before the meeting so I ended up having a Western meal. Yesterday was buffet for social night and I only tried a little bit of everything. As a bonus, one of my friends from SEA Games pharmacy from a few years ago jio-ed me for a catch up. I proposed having pancake at the Japanese fusion restaurant which took over Tuk Tuk Cha at Junction 8. Surprisingly, that restaurant is already replaced with a Taiwanese restaurant and I ended up with bubble tea. Huhuhu...

Ironically despite all the church stuff this week, my faith is hitting the bottom again with the thoughts and praying to die coming back. I also find it annoying when church aunties like to suggest single young man to be a priest. While I am thankful to God for my 'babyface', I am no longer a young man and I am past the age limit for people who want to be a priest. I am never closing the door for the possibility of being a priest since I even attended a vocation session before COVID. Since there was no response, I take it as God's way that it is not my calling. Somehow recently these thoughts return and I have been praying for a sign. I do not know if suggestions from random aunties are the signs. Considering my unworthiness and my age, I simply no longer have the 'face' to even consider this as a calling. God knows that at this point, what I will consider as an obvious sign is only when a priest is giving me that suggestion. At least a priest will be able to advise if my age will really be an issue before I discern further. Otherwise, I will be forever stuck in wondering and wandering what I should do in my life. Haiz.. at the end what can I do? Everything is according to God's will and timing.

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