Sunday, January 1, 2023

Hungover New Year

Yo yo yo!! It is 2023 and Happy New Year!! Having said that, I am going to write about the usual old year and new year stuff tomorrow instead. This post is what I was going to write yesterday but I was too hungover to do so. Hahaha...

I was invited for a lunch yesterday by a Landings friend who stays at Punggol. I have stayed in Singapore for more than 2 decades but am still not familiar with LRT. I just took the first one that arrived and thank  God that was the correct one. The weather was cloudy and breezy so I enjoyed the walk from the LRT station to the unit.

In the end, I stayed until almost 6pm. I was glad it was a rather small gathering with only 10 people who came. I definitely overate, especially with the Ferrero Rocher, and overdrank. I know I cannot hold my alcohol but I also I cannot resist my kaypohness to try those drinks I had not tried before. Yesterday drinks were 3 different bottles of prosecco. It was definitely something I never experienced before.

Usually I turn red quite fast so I was surprised that I had not turned red yet after a full champagne glass of prosecco. After all, prosecco has above 10% alcohol. I texted a friend who is a drinker so he told me to be careful because usually the sweetness masked away the alcoholic effect and I might end up overdrink and then suddenly just *pom*. Basically I learnt that prosecco simply takes longer to cause the usual effect on me. Eventually I turned red, I developed rashes and I had palpitations. Hahaha... It took almost 2 hours for my body to clear those things and after that I still could not resist to try a bit of the third bottle. It was also because someone else happened to stay just opposite me so he would drive me home so I did not worry about getting tipsy on public transport.

I paid the price later on. I concussed by 10pm haha... None of the New Year hoo-hah from the neighbours woke me up but I did not sleep well because I kept going toilet every 2-3 hours. Thanks to all the water I drunk in the afternoon to 'dilute' the alcohol effect. So it was as good as not sleeping but I still managed to go for 7am mass. I felt so sleepy and miserable during the mass as well as throughout today.

On Friday, I went for another gathering where I finally got to try Somersby. I thought there was only apple flavour which I actually never even tried before. In the end, I tried the pear and the mango. I had a friend who also wanted to try so I could just try a little bit and share around the rest. Well those little bits were enough to make me red. The best part of the evening was to eat durian. Someone brought 3 styrofoam boxes of durian but not many people were eating so I could eat a lot. I also played 'rapid' chess. I called it 'rapid' because I did not want to think too much so that we did not end too late. It was my first time playing in more than 2 decades since I never played chess again since I came to Singapore. I lost despite leading quite a bit at the beginning. Anyway it was just a play for fun since both of us took turns with blunders: moving something without seeing that it could be eaten by something else, followed by the other person did not see to eat that thing.

I had an interesting conversion with one of my group members who asked if the only reason I am still alive is because I am a Catholic. Previously I already mentioned that if I am not a Catholic, perhaps I would already jump down. The only thing stopping me from suicide is knowing that it is an express ticket to hell. I also know that I am passively suicidal so I have no qualms having such conversation. He asked if I have friends who perhaps can be a reason to live. Well so far I only have fake friends and I know relying on friends as a reason to live is even worse than relying on God as the reason to still continue on living. I don't know if our conversation helped him in anyway but for me, it was a reminder that I am still as emo as ever. I even told him my 2023 resolution is for it to be my last year on earth. Hahaha...Okay, maybe I am not 'as emo' but 'more emo' than previously.

And finally to wrap up the year, I shall not forget about my injured toe. This happened around a month ago. I was rushing and as usual, I accidentally kicked my luggage. However, the 'final' blow came the day after when the toe was brushed again my sandals as I was rushing to get my lunch. The toe was halved and I was thinking whether I should pull the top half off or just letting it be. Although I was upset that this happened to me, I should count my blessings that this was my first time. I asked around and some people had something similar with their toes at much younger age. Thus I learnt from their experience not to pull it off.
After a week, the top part really came off except for the left side which was still attached to the nailbed. So it was 'waving' around like a flag. I clipped it off leaving the part which was still attached rather than risk it banged against something else again. It was indeed God's sign for me to slow down. I had to even walk more slowly so as not knock the toe against my sandals again. Anyway, let's think positively. This injured toe became an excuse for me not to go to office for 2 weeks. Thank God that this happened to my small toe and the toe should be back to normal in another 1-2 weeks. That is not too bad considering toe-related stuff can normally take 6 months. I suppose that will be the case if this was the big toe.

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