Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Dream message?

As expected, my diet-related new year resolutions failed just after one day. I went to Cold Storage after gym yesterday to get bananas for dinner and I ended up with bottled drinks again. The Nescafe Chococino was on $2.85 for 2 offer (with normal price $1.75). I could not resist since I was sleepy for the whole day yesterday. Initially I bought 2 but decided to just get the last 2 to clear the shelf.

I also ended up with peanuts in exchange of potato chips. Sigh.. The Tong Garden peanuts were also on sale for $3.40 for a big bag of 350g. That is almost half the price of the usual potato chips ($4-ish for 140g-ish). I was so excited for the party mix which turns out to be a disappointment since it is rather spicy. The sweet peanut which I initially caught my interest to this whole peanut affair but then I hesitated to buy turned out to be the better one. Since today is the last day for both offers, I hope nothing else will tempt me in the coming days.

Few weeks ago when the Gospel reading was about the angel visiting St Joseph in a dream, I said that how nice it would be if something similar happened to me so that I know what God wants me to do in my life. Yesterday I had a dream which left me wondering if it was a divine message. The dream came out of nowhere since currently I have nothing bugging my mind related to the dream. Perhaps 'a dream' is not that correct since I actually had three dreams which were all related to one another. Or were they 3 fragments of the same dream?

Currently I am volunteering for a helpline call center so my dream began from me picking up a call and I freaked out when I was connected to 90 over young people online. I asked the team lead and she told me that it was my promise to attend to and help out with that youth group.

The second part was me checking out the room where the youth group met. I am not sure but I believe it was in a church ground which I was not familiar with. By the way, it was not any church that I knew of. I remembered checking out the room itself, some Christmas decoration and the plants just next to the door to enter the room.

The third and last part was the weirdest and the most random. There were people rushing me around to meet the new priest who would be the new in-charge of that youth group.

Are these signs that I am supposed to join a new church ministry that involves youth? Currently there is nothing in mind and I have no such plan too. Hmm... I wonder if these are signs or they are just figment of my own mind. Gosh.. I wish God will make it as clear as what St Joseph experienced.

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