Sunday, December 4, 2022


Dang it! It seems that I am long COVIDed since I am still having some phlegm. Although it is not the irritating kind that keeps triggering cough or needing medicine, it is still not something normal. Prior to this, I normally do not have phlegm. Sian. Another side effect is that I cannot seem to last beyond 12am every night. Haha.. That means earlier and longer sleep but I am still tired as usual in the following morning.

Perhaps the only good thing from this COVID is that I start going to gym again since I have no more excuse that what if they will implement trace together again. After having my first session again, it is gonna be a long journey to regain back my endurance, stamina and strength to where I was this January. Haiz.. At least I can still fit into the L-size gym attire.

After gym, I decided to check out Orchard since now there is a direct Thomson Line from Orchard to where I stay. Hehe.. Although it was barely over one month since the last time I went to Orchard, today was the first time in 3 years that I really felt like I went for window shopping at leisurely pace. Previously, it was always trying to be as quick as possible to do whatever I need to do or find whatever I need to find to minimise COVID risk.

I had to keep reminding myself that I already run out of space to stop myself from losing control and splurging. At Takashimaya B2, I saw Gundam Universe figure of Deathscythe being discounted at $20 which reminded me of it as well as Wing Gundam at $18 at Donki previously. Thanks to the gloomy sky, I decided not to cross the road and not to go to Donki although at that point of time I already made up my mind to get the discounted ones as Christmas presents haha... Honestly the main reason I was not *that* eager to buy because Heavyarms, Sandrock and Shenlong are newer releases to the Gundam Universe and not discounted yet. If I could get the whole set at the same time, no doubt I would get them all. I saw another line called Gundam Infinity which has Wing and Deathscythe. They are easy skip at discounted $15 price point since they look much worse than Gundam Universe. I don't mind getting them for $5 each though haha...

At Kinokuniya, I was tempted for Haikyuu! 10th Chronicle. As usual, I checked online for details and I found out that there is a complete version which contains goods such as acrylic character stands and character cards. Luckily there are some unboxing videos online and I saw that the book is not really an illustration book. With that much of writings which I cannot read, I decide not to buy and wait for the English version if there will ever be any. I learnt the hard lessons since I saw that Dark Horse has released Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive which is the English version of Final Fantasy 25h Anniversary Ultimania. The English version came out 6 years after the Japanese version. I was still tempted to get because the content has so much writing and I thought it would be nice to be able to read. But yeah, again I had to remind myself that there is no point having 2 copies.

Yesterday I randomly checked if there was any update on the manga based on the Bible since the last one (Manga Genesis 3) only covered until Abraham's story. Suprisingly, there is a new one based on the Book of Apocalypse and I am 3 years late! Gosh. I was emo because it is out of stock at Kinokuniya but thank goodness it is still available in some Christian bookshops here. I bought it from Cru Media Ministry since it is 20% off there and I hope I can get it delivered within this coming week. I am still hoping for continuation of the Manga Genesis though.

I am back to my rental room now and I am impressed with the new shower. It has the rainshower, normal shower head and the handheld bidet. Even more impressive is that there is thermostat to see the temperature of the warm water as well as a timer to see how long I have been wasting water. Haha.. I always think that I spend too long time to shower but now I know I usually only take 5 to 7 minutes. 7 minutes is already the longest with washing hair or emoing under the rainshower. The biggest change is that the new window seems to be lower, bigger and less opaque now. Previously I never bothered about the window but now I have to remember when to open or to close it. The new toilet bowl is white now and that increases my OCD even more since any urine drop, water drop, or water stains are more obvious.

Clearly toilet is more important to me than my room. I am so glad that I stayed out during the renovation. I cannot imagine the dusty condition because even after sealing my door, dust still entered my room. Thank God I bought plastic sheet to cover my bed so my bedsheet was safe, although I still washed them immediately. Sadly, I did not cover anything else and now all my toys and display cabinets are covered with dust. Sigh... Perhaps it is a reminder to really clean them since I have not done so since I returned to Singapore in June.

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