Friday, December 22, 2017

Sick before trip

Thanks to the 2 packets of potato chips that I could not resist and I finished eating in one sitting, I have been sick for the past 1 week. I still have not recovered despite seeing doctor and having 1 day rest. It certainly is not helping that yesterday I flew home and tomorrow morning I have a 6am flight for my first winter holiday. That means tonight I will not have proper rest.

I did not even have the chance to rest today as I had to buy new supplies of medicines as I am still not getting better. I bought lip balm yesterday but I could not find it. I must have left it behind in the rush of last minute packing so I need to buy that one also. I also went to Multi Toys expecting that my items had been delivered and yet they were not ready yet. I shall leave my rant about Multi Toys for next time after eventually I get the items.

I just returned from Mal Kelapa Gading. My mum brought me to Polo because she saw a jacket that was heavily discounted. The whole shop is not joking when it says it is having up to 80% sale. It really makes me wonder if the original prices are not marked up terribly and borderline scam. Lol. Honestly I am not to keen to get the jacket as I still have 2 Uniqlo jackets that I bought because of sale but I had not worn even once. I simply agreed to buy 1 so as not to disappoint my mum. Oh well.

As I held my mum's hand, she said that I was very warm. So it is not only my feeling but I am really feverish. No choice but to return to MKG again to get ibuprofen for standby. In the end, I agreed to get antibiotic for standby also. Instead of amoxicillin, I requested for augmentin.

Although I am not fit, the excitement of going holiday to Japan again overcomes the physical condition lol. Plus it is winter and I can't wait to experience the notorious cold winter in Japan lol. If things go south when I am there, at least I have travel insurance. Hahaha..

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