Friday, November 17, 2017

Justice League

DC Comics movies suck until Wonder Woman which is the first DC movie that I watched. I am usually more hyped to watch a group of superheroes and I am pretty excited about Justice League. I hate the Aquaman design and the missing Superman from the promo posters but I got pretty hyped up again to see the designs of the promo posters. I think it is genius to incorporate the heroes' logos to the movie's tagline. 1 day after its release, I was shocked to see the pathetic reviews dominated by 1 and 2 stars but in the end I decided to still watch it or else my free movie ticket would be wasted.

I don't know if it is intended but the approach is quite similar to the Avengers with the heroes facing a threat to the world and the enemies they have to fight are just CGI monsters. I think that is very lazy. They should from X-men movies with conflicts between a team of superheroes vs a team of super villains. That kind of fight is more interesting to watch. The action scenes are lacklustre and they just waste the various super powers that these superheroes have. Most of the fights end up being physical slugfest without the uniqueness of each superhero.

The conflict is a repeat of a similar one that happened ages ago. The flashback shows how great the conflict was that it took the human race, the Olympians, the Amazons, the Atlanteans, and the Green Lantern corps to beat Steppenwolf. Fast forward now and the conflict is only about Steppenwolf vs 6 superheroes. How unexciting that is in comparison? -_- Thor: Ragnarok that I watched 2 weeks ago also has something similar so I don't know why suddenly movies like to use this kind of disappointing approach.

I know a lot of people do not like the Flash here but I think he plays his role well as a good comic relief. I hate his suit though (they should have stuck with leather suit). Unfortunately, Flash often becomes corny because the rest of the characters are the boring types. It is clear that the movie directors are confused whether to make the tone of the movie serious or lighter. My apology but I cannot avoid comparison with Marvel movies which generally has a lighter tone and hence the interactions among the characters can be funny but still natural and believable. In Justice League, it is quite obvious that the Flash is put there to make people laugh.
Oh yeah.. that's the superpower we all want, don't we?

Justice League is supposed to be a team of superheroes but this movie does not convey that message. After resurrecting Superman, Superman beats down the rest. In the final battle, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg (yes 5 of them) cannot beat the villain but once Superman appears, everything is settled. So what's the point of having a Justice League when Superman alone can actually do all the job?

It seems that this movie fails to be a beacon of hope for DC Comics movies. I am not biased but I am glad I enjoy Marvel movies more. Call me kiddy or what but they are more enjoyable and entertaining after all: whether the interactions between the characters or the action scenes.

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